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Messages - motor (deceased)

October 07, 2004, 02:41:48 PM
Howdy my friend, good to be back..hope everything goes well.. catch ya later..
October 07, 2004, 08:09:24 AM
In most churches the pews look alike, but they are really different.
The critical pew-This pew watches the preacher with a critical eye..the singing is too loud or too soft..the building is either too hot or too cold..The critical pew finds everything but the blessing of God..
The irregular pew-Sometimes it is full; sometimes it is empty.the problem is you never know what to expect from this pew..
The cordial pew-This pew is always radiant like the sunshine..this pew greets other pews with genuine cordiality, extends a handshake to every visitor, and listens with joy to the sermon..
The prayful pew-This pew spends a moment or two with bowed head in silent prayer on entering the church.this pew comes to worship, and brings the spirit of worrship with it into the church..
Which of the pews will you occupy next sunday when you go to church??
October 07, 2004, 07:55:47 AM
howdy all, good to have this forum back up..let's all pitch in and make this an interesting place to come to for prayer, answers and just plain old good christian fellowship..God bless you all..
THE CAMPFIRE / HELP!! rebuilding the catagories
October 07, 2004, 06:51:46 AM
Thanks again Sharon for all your work..Would like to see the Christian Outreach back up.. thanks..
THE CAMPFIRE / Good Morning
October 07, 2004, 06:47:24 AM
good morning all..good to see THL back in business.. thanks RB..