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Messages - Clueless

THE WELCOME WAGON! / Re: Just glad to be here
May 16, 2008, 02:06:59 PM
I have to agree Paul to a point. Gun toting police can be very dangerous. Maybe that's why in my community only a select few police officers carry weapons. Most carry "pepper spray" or "taser guns".
The cop on the street doesn't carry a weapon, the cop running his routine motor route does not carry a weapon on his person. In his vehicle there's a shotgun behind his seat.
The Horse Police do not carry a weapon only "pepper spray" or "mace".
Only the Detectives carry a weapon on their person.
I've never seen the Sheriff or one of his deputies with a weapon on their person. Granted their weapons are most likely in the back or trunk of their cars.
I can't be sure about the State Patrol..they could maybe carry a weapon on their person. I've not had any close encounters with State Patrolmen or women. :smiley:
I have attended many city functions and been in crowds of policemen and have never seen a firearm being carried on their person.
They were carrying in the court houses but I'm thinking that was stopped not long ago. Too easy to take a firearm away from a deputy in the court house. Happened not too many years ago and two judges, a couple lawyers and some innocent by-standers were shot, killed and wounded.
I do carry if I feel it's necessary. I want the right to carry. I don't have a license to carry openly. Frankly I don't want big brother to know I even have any firearms.
If and when I carry I carry concealed.
Wilt be a great trip!!:smiley:
And don't forget to do a history run while in Scoland. Follow the trail of William Wallace:smiley:
And Charles Stuart?
And say HI to Sir Sean!!  He's most likely in the Bahamas but maybe you'll luck up and he be in Scotland.  :biggthumpup:
The things I could think of to do in Scotland!!! :eek:
Heck I'd put on my "kilt" and go to Scotland.  
Take my camera along for pics of the beautiful scenery.
Do a little fishing.
Spend my nights in small villages and do "walkabouts" all day till I walked over the entire country taking pictures. :smiley:
I can hear them bagpipes already!!! :biggthumpup:
You watch the video?  Seems to me the animals were too used to having humans around.  And they mentioned breeding for size of racks.
Too much like a canned hunt.
I've never been on a canned hunt and most likely never will.
 I'd rather be on my own hunting.
Take my own chances of getting an animal.
THE CAMPFIRE / Re: woo ! spring bear coming up
May 15, 2008, 08:00:11 AM
A bear will eat everything.  I've put out sweet piles of Twinkies, day old bear claws, etc and go back the next day and everything has been eaten.
Bear do NOT discriminate just because they run into a unsealed Twinkies.  They aren't trained to open packages so they eat the entire package.
I've watched while people threw out Burger King dinners to bear on my way to Cherokee and the bear eat the entire meal including the bags and papers.
I've seen bear in trash dumps clean out a dump of papers and every thing else dumped in a trash dump.
I've had bear in my own trash cans and them eat everything!! Including paper products.
Bear are driven by hunger.  They will eat paper just because the scent of meat, sweets or any other food product is present.
I know it's a fine if your caught throwing papers out.
THE CAMPFIRE / Re: Ahh Summer is coming!
May 15, 2008, 05:45:29 AM
Our birds wake up around 4am too Brith.
There's a Federal Bird Sanctuary not far from us called Cross Creek Federal Reserve.
Birds that are endangered are inhabitants of Cross Creek.
Since birds cannot be fenced, if I'm looking I can see birds I have never seen before migrating to Cross Creek.
Certain times of the year..May, June and July birds flock to Cross Creek.  It's a great place to go take pictures of rare birds and waterfowl.
Cross Creek is one of the most unique places to visit.  Because it is a federal reserve wildlife is abundant. :smiley:
THE CAMPFIRE / Re: Ahh Summer is coming!
May 14, 2008, 09:35:22 AM
We have them here to Alboy.  Maybe our USA turtle dove is different but the sound is the same.
Ours announce rain by saying "rain here, rain here". :smiley:
Welcome aboard Petru!!:smiley:
THE CAMPFIRE / Re: woo ! spring bear coming up
May 12, 2008, 10:38:14 AM
They like "sweet stuff" Grey. :smiley:
Go to the "day old" bakery and get some doughnuts, bear claws and assorted sweets to throw in the barrel.  They like "Twinkies" too!!:smiley:
Ya don't even have to unwrap them.  He will do the unwrapping. :smiley:
Back in my younger days when I baited in the Smokey Mountains  I found sweets did the trick.
I've been trailed by a bear wanting my Sweet Stuff. :eek:
THE CAMPFIRE / Re: woo ! spring bear coming up
May 12, 2008, 07:57:06 AM
Bear can be very allusive and NEVER where you expect them to be.
Fish is good!!:smiley:
THE CAMPFIRE / Re: Update and thanks
May 11, 2008, 03:56:49 PM
I didn't know anything about your Dad Paul. Glad to hear things are going well.
THE CAMPFIRE / Re: Update and thanks
May 11, 2008, 03:56:29 PM
I didn't know anything about your Dad Paul.  Glad to hear things are going well.
THE CAMPFIRE / Re: Happy Mother's Day
May 11, 2008, 03:53:48 PM
Here!! Here!! I called my Sister and wished her a Happy Mother's Day.  She Mom to a new puppy. :smiley:
We've all be out for Mother's Day today.
THE CAMPFIRE / Re: New Babies
May 11, 2008, 03:51:06 PM
All our birds are here.  They are all nesting in the trees.  Momas to be look like they are going to burst. :smiley:
And Honey Bees are here!!!
They are working my tomato and corn.
Your right..we are cool and windy...45mile/hr wind gusts today and rain is on it's way again.
But Spring is going to turn into summer soon. :smiley:
THE CAMPFIRE / Re: Speaking of birds and such...
May 09, 2008, 05:18:14 PM
Sounds like a good plan to me Daryl.  
I've tried chocolate covered grasshoppers and did NOT like them.  I've done chocolate covered Bumble Bees too and did NOT like them. :greentongue:
Same here with honey bees.  They seem to be disappearing.
Seems to me I read in the local paper where some farmers are trucking Honey Bees into the area sometime this year.  From somewhere in PA, I think?