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Messages - Clueless

THE CAMPFIRE / Re: woo ! spring bear coming up
April 29, 2008, 05:41:10 AM
Don't blame ya Grey.  Go for the Gold!!!:smiley:
Jes be careful.  Ran into a fellar out turkey hunting and was attacked by a bear.  Must have been a moma with cubs.  He got too close.  He hopes he killed the bear.
He's been going back every day trying to find it.  So far no luck.
He didn't know there were any bear around here...well DUH!!!
He was on a ridge with a lot of boulders and knooks and cranies.  Most likely he got too close to the den.  Got away with no harm done but scared him up pretty bad.
THE CAMPFIRE / Re: Stimulus Checks= New Toys????
April 29, 2008, 05:19:28 AM
Here it is...Suzuki Burgman 650.
As much traveling as I do locally I think this might work.
I have ta go take the "idiot" test.
They had one I could take a "test drive" and SHUUU WEEEE!!
Nice ride!!
THE CAMPFIRE / Re: Stimulus Checks= New Toys????
April 29, 2008, 03:45:17 AM
I looked at Motorcycles yesterday.  I'm buying tomorrow!!
I need a gas saver!!:smiley:
SEND IN THE CLOWNS! / Re: Submarine Races
April 28, 2008, 05:23:02 AM
Like shooting at a knat when an elephant is walking by ain't Caretaker..:smiley:
SEND IN THE CLOWNS! / Re: Submarine Races
April 28, 2008, 05:03:54 AM
I've watched the grass grow too Alboy!!:smiley:
Some of us were talking over the weekend about "submarine races" and "how the grass growed"
And the old cars we owned. :smiley:
SEND IN THE CLOWNS! / Re: Submarine Races
April 27, 2008, 02:13:29 PM
I had an old 58? Buick Roadmaster.  Back seat and Bi -noculars worked great watching the submarine races.  South Holston Lake.
If you know a welder Grey.  I saw pretty much what you are talking bout.  They had taken roll bars from a wrecked truck and had made them into the sides and rear of the truck.  Like rails.
There's a guy here calls himself the "hick engineer' does this kind of thing.
He found an old Chevy out in the woods and made a pretty neat trick!!:smiley:

SEND IN THE CLOWNS! / Hot Chicks With Guns
April 26, 2008, 06:59:23 AM
I knowed this would get your attention!!! LOL
THE CAMPFIRE / Re: Stimulus Checks= New Toys????
April 26, 2008, 06:57:16 AM
Just heard the "business news" if people use their checks for gas or food it will NOT boost the economy.
No new toys in our future.  We just bought all new furniture. Most likely we will save our stimulus check.
I won a sweepstakes not long ago and got a new 47"flat screen TV, lap top computer and other assorted gizmos.  Which lead to new furniture. :smiley:
THE CAMPFIRE / Re: Any you folks need some water?
April 26, 2008, 06:50:49 AM
We're getting rain again today.  The big storm (flooding of Texas and toronados in Texas) seems to have missed us. Or it's not got here yet.
SEND IN THE CLOWNS! / Re: Submarine Races
April 26, 2008, 03:53:52 AM
I can see where that would work Sandhills. :smiley:
SEND IN THE CLOWNS! / Re: Perks of being over 50
April 26, 2008, 03:51:45 AM
I can relate to all of them even the big print.:smiley:
I especially like the "kidnappers aren't interested in you"
Gives me a very good feeling!!:smiley:
SEND IN THE CLOWNS! / Re: Submarine Races
April 25, 2008, 11:36:24 AM
NO it's a joke.  
Haven't ya ever told your sweetie you wanted to go to the river, lake or creek to watch the "submarine races"?
Wild ride Grey!!
I's in Duluth, Minn.  traveling to Canada by way of International Falls to cross over the border.
Once out of Duluth it was Open country.  There might have been on little town between Duluth and IF.  Seems like I recall a "last gas".  After that nothing.  It just falling dark and my intention was to spend the night at International Falls before going cross into Canada.
I enter into this strange set. I'm on a two land road and traveling hard and I look to the side and there stand deer like statues.  I'm thinking the state has put out statues of deer just as decoration.  I see them to the left and right of my car.  Nothing is moving.  Not another car on the road.  Just me.
I come around a little curve in the road and my headlights are shinning on these deer.  Seemed like hundreds of deer.  They are on the sides of the road, not in the road.  In a line like soldiers standing at attention.
It goes on for miles and finally having  decided to take a break and stretch my legs I stop my truck.
My lights as I pull of the road are showing hundreds of deer statues. :smiley:  I mean those deer are not moving a muscle.
I open the door and step out.  
First thing I heard was a loud "snort"  then the whole thing exploded.  Deer were running rampant through the brush and crossing the road.  It was like a stampede.
I get back in my truck. I figure "safe is the better part of valor"
Once everything gets quiet again I start up and move on out.  About 10 miles up the road I fall into the "set" again.  
But I just keep on truckin'.
Get to International Falls, check into the motel and mention the deer to the lady at the desk.
She says they are always there.  And it's said when they see vehicle lights they freeze waiting on the pass.  Once the pass is made they go back to doing the normal deer movement.
They've become acclimated to vehicles.
:smiley: :smiley: