lead by a child

Started by tn.varmit, October 23, 2004, 02:49:41 PM

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Lit`l  Buck picks the lower trail along the creek.

12 gauge

he knows where the deer go!
Ya gotta smart kid there!..
wouldn't doubt he would get one this year! Or does he hunt?
anyway, good luck this season and god bless :D
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge


12 gauge, He is a special needs child.  He is autistic. He is 11 years old and in some ways is like a 6 year old and in some ways is way smarter than his age. He don`t hunt yet becouse he can not pass a hunters ed course ( he can not read above a 1st grade level but he can do figgures in his head) and just this past year gained enuff size to keep both ends of a gun off the ground. He has been takin archery classes in school and is the leading scorer in the 6th grade according to his teachers. Thinkin maybe ol Santa might bring him a bow for Christmas. He loves the Out Doors and we are leavin here shortly to go the Smokey Mountains to do some hikin and take some pics. May go check out the deer at Cades Cove and try to get a few pics. These deer are protected and some of them get fairly big.
 IT amazes me that he can operate the computer without being able to read . He also looses patience with me becouse I cannot give him enuff of a challange playin video games on the Game Cube. I play on level one and I think he is up to level 28 or sumtin like that. ( Don`t laugh at me like that). Well God bless U`all . I gotta go take a kid to God`s natural sanctuary.

12 gauge

I ain't laughing at ya, i would never do that :rolleyes: ;)
Not this ol' boy :rolleyes: :p
That's sad :(
At least he has you to depend on, that's great that you are teaching him how to do stuff! :)
I am proud of both of ya!

Teach him everything! And in a way he is also teaching you!
Good luck to ya both!
God bless :D
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge


Good luck tn.varmit! My dad is a voc. rehab counselor so he gets me involved with a lot of disabled kids and it is a very rewarding thing. Autism is not a fun thing- but the children are special and I am glad to see you and your son have gotten past that barrier. Best of luck hunting this year and I hope you and your son bag some big ones!
God bless you,


I have Asperger's Syndrome, a type of mild autism, so I can understand many of the struggles your son has been/will go through. It will always hard to deal with, but having supportive, loving parents makes it just that much more bearable.
It's great to see parents who are so supportive of their childrens outdoor interests; I've been fascinated by hunting and shooting since a very young age, and I probably wouldn't know so much about them if my parents hadn't bought me so many books and taken me on all those hikes. By providing your son with an outlet for his interests, you are also helping to make his life more meaningful.
Best wishes to you and your son- Thomas a.ka. OregonBoy
