What's Your Identity?

Started by motor (deceased), November 03, 2004, 04:17:32 AM

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motor (deceased)

'For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus." Gal.3:26

"Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ." Gal.4:7
How do people identify you? do they say, hey there's that guy that sells cars or that woman is a school teacher..
 Jesus asked his disciples, who do men say I am? some thought he was Elijah or some prophet but those who knew him best said, You are the Christ..
 What are you called by those who know you?  it may depend on the way you  live your life, or how you talk or how you treat your family and others that gives an impressionto them..
The apostle Paul said we are all sons of Godthrough faith in Jesus Christ..that relation with God the Father should show itself to those we meet. those closest to Jesus knew him as Saviour..do those  close to us know that we belong to him?
have a great day and tell someone about Jesus..:)
Just an ole sinner saved by grace
