be carefull what you wish for

Started by Hunterbug, October 11, 2004, 07:59:41 AM

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A guy walks into a bar and an osterich follows him. He walks up to the bar and asks for a scotch on the rocks. The osterich says, "me too". The bartender brings the drinks and says, "that'll be 10.35". The guy reaches in his pocket and pull out 10.35 sets it on the counter, drinks his drink and he and the osterich leave. The next day the guy and the osterich return and the guy asks for a bourbon and water and the osterich says, "me too". The bartener brings the drinks and says, "that'll be 11.46". The guy reaches in his pocket and pulls out 11.46, sets it on the counter, drinks his drink and they leave. The third day they both return. The guys says, "I've had a really rough day. I'll take a double Jack straight up". The osterich says, "me too". So the bartender brings the drinks and says, "that'll be 14.32". So the guy reaches on his pocket and pulls out 14.32 and puts it on the counter. The bartender picks it up and turns to the guy. For the last three days you've ordered 3 different drinks and always had the exact amount to pay for it. How do you do it? The guy says , "well, I was walking on a beach and I found a bottle with a genie. And the genie gave me two wishes. So, for my first wish I wished that when ever I wanted to buy something that I would always have the exact amount on money needed in my pocket." The bartender says, "That's pretty smart. What's up with the osterich?" Well, the guys says, "for my second wish I wished for a chick with really long legs."
Ask not what your government can do for you. Ask how your government can go away and get out of your life.
The unarmed man is is not only defenseless, he is also contemptible.
Niccolo Machiavelli


A chick with long legs....LOL!!! Hillarious Hunterbug!!!!:D

12 gauge

"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge
