Up to our necks in long ears....Historic House Cull Program

Started by kombi1976, December 08, 2011, 05:43:17 AM

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It's been 4 months since my mate and I made our last pilgrimage to the local historic house to rain down death and carnage on the local bunny population. August's trip was very slim pickings, only 6 recovered virtually and very few that ran after getting hit. But my mate got a frantic request as the big Christmas BBQ is on this Sunday and there were diggings everywhere so we gathered up our gear and headed out around 9:30pm last night.
My mate's BRNO .22lr is still in getting a new stock but he borrowed a CZ from another friend of ours. It's was a left handed rifle which caused a few awkward moments but it was quite accurate. I decided to take my Anschutz 1400 .22lr , despite the fact the mag is missing and I had to single load each round which turned out to be a sensible decision. My mate had attached his LED light to the CZ's scope so rather than doing the spotter/shooter arrangement we both could shoot, albeit only at a small area at once.
It was immediately obvious when we arrived that 2 rifles, even with one reloading slowly was going to help. There were TONS of bunnies. My mate took 5 just driving in and then we worked our way across the front grassed area, taking another 10. Then we began to collect the bodies and the numbers starting racking up.
The unfortunate thing was that despite the fact most were hit hard not all fell on the spot. I hit a large rabbit at 15yds broadside in the dark while my mate was dropping 2 carcasses back with the rest and it ran off. I know I hit it, I could see it clearly in the moonlight and the meaty WHOOOMP!! the bullet made when it hit was unmissable. But it scurried away into the undergrowth. It's the reality of using subsonics I'm afraid. Unless they're head, heart or spine the little buggers don't drop.
In the end we only had to do 2 laps of the house and the rabbits had our measure. Either they were in hiding or had lain down somewhere to die. But we were satisfied. Here's why......

Can you count them? Yup, 28 recovered!! :biggthumpup:
That tops my previous total at the property of 24 recovered. That was the first time anyone had ever shot there and I was using hi-velocity ammo. So tonight was a massive highlight. More to the point there are at least another 10 laying dead in long grass, brush or their burrows. So the true total is between 38 and 40 but I'm happy with 28.
Now I need to replace the magazine. It will probably turn up the day the new one arrives but then 2 magazines are a help, especially when shooting these sort of numbers. I need to get myself an LED torch and scope mount too. If I'd had both a mag and my own mounted torch I think we could've taken 10 more. Impressive, eh?
Cheers & God Bless
22lr ~ 22 Hornet ~ 25-20 ~ 303/25 ~ 7mm-08 ~ 303 British ~ 310 Cadet ~ 9.3x62 ~ 450/400 N.E. 3"


wow.  that's quite an evening of kill'n.  nice work !!!


impressive indeed Andy!!!!!!!!! If I may inquire though, since "eating" these is not a priority, why not use a caliber that will not allow them to run or be able to get back in there hole? why not use something that "anchors" them right where they stand? God bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


We would use a high velocity ammo but the problem is there are other properties within close vicinity. So part of the conditions of the cull that the trust laid down were that we use as quiet an ammo as we can.....basically subsonics. I used high velocity the first time I shot there and it was REALLY obtrusive.
Cheers & God Bless
22lr ~ 22 Hornet ~ 25-20 ~ 303/25 ~ 7mm-08 ~ 303 British ~ 310 Cadet ~ 9.3x62 ~ 450/400 N.E. 3"


Wow Andy............  That looks like fun !!     That will definately make a few pies. 8-)


Thats a serious haul of bunnies there Andy.
I always head shoot when using subsonics, it also saves the bodies for a good roast. :food04:
"Belief:" faith in something taught, as opposed to "knowledge:" which is awareness borne of experience.


Well, we tried to but the goal was just to thump as many as possible and some were out past the 50m mark which is the outside edge of subsonic effectiveness.
Cheers & God Bless
22lr ~ 22 Hornet ~ 25-20 ~ 303/25 ~ 7mm-08 ~ 303 British ~ 310 Cadet ~ 9.3x62 ~ 450/400 N.E. 3"

Jorge in Oz

Nice shooting Andy.
Plenty of them around here in Vicco too.
"The Germans brought the best hunting rifle to the war. The Americans brought the best target rifle. The British brought the best battle rifle!"
"The early church was married to poverty, prisons and persecutions. Today, the church is married to prosperity, personality, and popularity." ― Leonard Ravenhill


