The American Eagle Deserves Better!

Started by Jay Edward (deceased), October 30, 2004, 06:07:02 AM

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Jay Edward (deceased)

I resent the fact that the pretend 'hero' John Kerry uses the American eagle instead of the Jackal for his commercials.  I also resent the fact that the DNC has 'edited out' the part where Kerry was forced to wear a hat when the eagle found out who he was flying over.


It is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not deserve them.
- Mark Twain
Any relation to the land, the habit of tilling it, or mining it, or even hunting on it, generates the feeling of patriotism.
- Ralph W. Emerson


I resent that and a lot of other things about John Kerry. I could write a book about things I don't like about him from how he came back from Vietnam and hung out with the likes of Jane Fonda (and now uses his military record to show what a hero he is in his mind) to how he says one thing and does another. I watched CNN today and he is ahead of George W in many states and I hope that their methods of calculating this are far off. It scares me as a Gulf War Vet, a gun owner, hunter and an American that this guy may actually be able to steal the election with his double talk and how brainwashed many Americans are about this guy. Not to mention is he going to be a puppet for Ted Kennedy? No I don't like every thing that George W has done but I think he is a much better choice than Kerry and when he makes a decision, he sticks to his guns and doesn't sway to what's popular at the time.
I see signs in my town that say "Sportsman for Kerry" and wonder what the hell these guys are thinking. If you are a shooter, hunter or gun owner I think that what many may not know is if Kerry is elected, your rights for gun ownership are going to be jeopardized. The NRA gave him an "F" rating and he voted 51 of 55 times against the interests of gun owners while serving in the U.S. Senate. He is also a co-sponser of bill S.1431. This bill would vest power in the U.S. Attorney General to ban semi-auto rifles and shotguns "designed for military or law enforcement use". This can be interpreted to include some hunting guns (law enforcement almost exclusively uses Remington 870's, how would that be interpreted?). Kerry is also given a 100% rating from the Humane Society of the United States, the largest anti-hunting group in the U.S. Anyway, sorry about going off on a tirade, thoughts of Kerry being president and my gun/hunting rights flash before my eyes...
