Need Info. on Wyoming Elk Hunting - Area 95

Started by Friendlysmiles68, September 13, 2007, 12:51:52 PM

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Hello everyone,

     I am trying to find someone who is hunting for Elk in Wyoming in Area 95. I usually hunt area 83, but this year was only able to get an after issue tag for area 95. The group I usually hunt with are hunting area 83 and none of them can tell me exactly where the boundaries are between the two zones. I am looking for a map that shows all of Union Pass road, and also Fish Creek, Green River, Tosi Creek, Summit Lake, Jim Creek and Pine Creek. If anyone knows where I can find such a map, or if anyone is hunting in area 95 and can give me some information, I would sure appreciate it. Also, if anyone is looking for a hunting or camping partner, let me know. My wife and I will be camping by ourselves and it would be nice for her to have another women in camp while the guys hunt.



M. R. Byrd

Can't give you any help on your question, but did want to welcome you to THL forum. It is a very nice forum with helpful, friendly guys and gals.
Maynard Reece Byrd
Dodge City, Kansas
Maynard Reece Byrd
Dodge City

Alton R Dillon

Hi Rob,
I have gotten some nice maps thru the U.S. forest service. You have to purchase them, they even have some waterproof ones now. Then you can pencil in the boundries as decribed in the Wyoming hunting regulations.
Good luck hunting,
