Whitetail Sounds

Started by Antler3, December 05, 2004, 02:19:07 AM

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Someone has told me there is a difference in the sound that a doe and buck make when they are alarmed and blow. I have heard them both and don't remember a difference. Can anyone elaborate on the difference if there is one ? I was sittin' on the edge of a thicket and a deer slipped into the thicket and blowed at me yesterday, I blowed back and then doe bleated , it blowed again and so did I. It blowed three or four more times and then left. I never got to see what it was.

12 gauge

Well..really when a doe or buck blows it normally sounds the same, after all, the only thing they are doing is snorting, blowing out of their nose. So they will sound the same.
If they grunt you know it will sound different, a bucks grunt is more deeper and "Manly" than a does grunt. But as far as blowing, i have no idea...
God bless and good luck hunting! :D
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge


Bucks snort -wheeze and does do not....but snorting after they detected you or other things that may disturb you I do not think there is a distinguishable difference...although does are more apt to sound the alarm that bucks...
Personal field testing trumps everything no matter what Field and Stream says, what your degree of perceived manhood is, or what your buddies think.


Thanks for the information guys. I am hunting the edge of a thicket with trails all around. I chose the south side of the thicket because of the holler dropping off that side , and saw a four point that came down a trail in back of me that dropped off into the holler. The wind was outa the south that day and blowing into the thicket which a trail also comes through. It just so happened the deer decided to use the trail directly downwind of me that day LOL. Is a hard place to hunt because no matter where you set up there will always be a trail there to catch your scent....I am considering a tree stand for that area....there are numerous old and new rubs and two new scrapes this year. I beleive it to be a traditional travel route and also bedding area in the thicket. Again thanks for the info. was just trying to determine if that was a buck or doe bedding there.


Quote from: Antler3Is a hard place to hunt because no matter where you set up there will always be a trail there to catch your scent....
Are you practicing any kind of scent control or using any cover scents?  When I hunt, I go all out, probably even more than most.  I shower with scent eliminating shampoo and body wash, I launder all of my hunting clothes in scent eliminator detergent, I wear a scent blocker suit, and I also spray myself all over from head to toe, including the soles of my boots with scent away spray.  So far it has worked quite well.  I have never had a deer bust me because it smelled me.  Any time I have gotten busted, it has been because I moved and they saw me.  Just thought it might be something else you could try to help prevent the deer from catching your scent.


Thanks for the info. I do practice scent control. But mainly try to play the wind. sounds like you are doing a good job at fooling their noses something very hard to do. i am considering a tree stand for next year for this particular spot, feel like it would help alot. Again thanks for the info. and good hunting to ya !


I thought I read somewhere that it was the opposite, that does snorted and bucks didn't.  I've seen the does snort and stomp their feet but can't recall a buck snorting.  Anyone know for sure?


Bucks can snort but does are a lot more apt to do it....I think I said "snort-wheeze".  The way I typed it with no space made it hard to read...my bad...bucks are the only ones that "snort-wheeze".....it means little deer get the heck outta my woods.....lol..
Personal field testing trumps everything no matter what Field and Stream says, what your degree of perceived manhood is, or what your buddies think.


I had a little button buck blow like crazy and take off running when he smelled the 4-pack of does that were coming in to feed in the field I was hunting the afternoon that I took my big buck.  However, I do believe that does tend to blow a lot more often than bucks.


I agree that bucks and does both snort and that does will snort much more readily than bucks, except that yearling bucks seem to be just about as willing to snort as the does. The older bucks seem to just "leave" without making a big fuss about it.
Gmoney is right about the snort-wheeze. This is a very agressive sound made by bucks, usually when two bucks encounter each other and a dominance question is about to be tested.
I also believe that deer make different snorts, depending on the sitiuation. Many times I have seen does hold their ground and snort repeatedly when they are startled by something and can't identify it. Like foot stomping, I think they do this to try to get the object to give itself away. This snort is a little longer in duration than the "I smell a human, everyone run" snort, which is very short and sharp.


This 4 point that dropped off into the holler came in behind me and passed me at about 8 feet...I was on the ground in a deadfall. he went to the edge of this holler and before dropping off he did the snort -wheeze first time I had ever heard it. I had been grunting on a tube pryer to him coming in. He was a full size deer with huge forked rack. His antlers were flat horn and looked to be geneticly deformed...we have the three point rule so couldn't take him...Was real exciting to see him that close and to hear the snort -wheeze.


I agree totally Shadowrider....I have learned to tell depending on the situation exactly what a snort means....sometimes they snort when a dominant doe wants the corn or food to herself and she"blows" the other does away....sometimes they'll blow when they hear a funny noise that is usually not there....maybe a branch falling or a plane overhead....sometimes they snort when they are playing around....I had two yearling does playing in our oat field this year and they were blowing at each other like crazy....but the snort they give when they have been spooked, winded you, or do not like the circumstances is a snort easily recognizable...it has a sound all to itself.
So yes I also agree snorting sounds different for each circumstance and snorting goes along with other various behavior including stomping, circling whatever is bothering them, etc....
Personal field testing trumps everything no matter what Field and Stream says, what your degree of perceived manhood is, or what your buddies think.


Ok, I know what you're talking about now.  I've heard the wheeze and was going to say until I read shadowriders post that it seems that the does snort seems much more distinct and as he put it "sharp".  I've never really used calls to an extent when deer hunting except for a doe in estrus bleat.  But I see a lot of nice bucks are being called in and I just read about the 2nd largest whitetail in Manitoba being called in.  Anyone ever used electronic game calls for whitetails with any success?


They're not legal here in my part of the country. If they were I would defintly try one. I used a doe bleat and had one come right in.


I'm not sure if its any one thing or not. Scent control is effective, Stand height is effective, wind management is effective, control over movement in your stand is effective...I have been busted because I screwed up one or all of these over the years.

Your biggest enemy in the woods IMO are adult Does! They let you know when they have detected you for sure.
I think that Bucks as someone else noted, generally just move away methodically and quietly.
Keep in mind that deer use scent and vision in equal measures! Better put. They are equally adept at busting you with either.
Another buzzword is patterning Deer...I think the opposite is also at play here. Adult Bucks or Does will pattern you as well.
