Anyone thinking of getting a new bow for next year?

Started by davidlt89, December 20, 2007, 09:17:29 AM

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I don't know if Nels saw this in the other thread titled "Sights" so I'll post it here 'cause it sounds like we have similar shoulder problems. Apologies to those that have read it elswhere.
Unfortunately, I developed a bone spur on my right shoulder joint, and drawing the Kodiak got more and more painful. I quit hunting because of it, for several years, but I got my daughters into shooting competitively. (Both won state and regional championships in their age classes. :D)

I was whining to the guy that owns the local archery shop about the fact that I thought I was going to have to give up bow hunting, and he suggested I try the Mathews Q3. It was love at first draw. I've never drawn a bow that was so pleasant to draw. It didn't hurt my shoulder at all! And man was it light! I bought it on the spot. Shot a big ol' cow moose with it that same year. Haven't been hunting with it since though. It's getting so difficultoit hunt in Alaska, especially for big game, that if I get a chance to go, it's always for a gun-type hunt.


If I was forced to use a recurve or long bow, I'd have to give up archery. I simply can't draw a recurve or long bow unless I got surgery to remove the spur. And that ain't gonna happen 'til my right arm becomes completely useless.

Be nicer than necessary.


I hear ya on that, Paul.

Maybe I'm getting cranky as I age, but I know 'nuff any specialist I see here will say we gotta "cut/scrape/splice/staple" or "take IBP/aspirin and go home".  Neither approach is gonna put a 50's guy's shoulder back to where he was in his 30s. My days of playing Howard Hill with super-heavy draw weight bows are over.  period.  So I'm taking the realist approach with physical therapy.

Funny thing with my case seems to be high muscle tension at full extension (full draw) is not painful, it's the loading on the shoulder at the begining of the draw cycle that is the killer.  Just what you don't want with a compound.

I've been "out of the loop" for several years on bowhunting and the compound bow technology in some ways is quite different from my "Jennings" days.  Hence the "fishing" for what a new bow might do for me.  Thanks, I'll have to find a Mathews bow to pump.  There may stick-flingin' hope for me afterall.

Put it into perspective; we live on a rock hurtling through space, what could be scarier than that?


QuoteFunny thing with my case seems to be high muscle tension at full extension (full draw) is not painful, it's the loading on the shoulder at the begining of the draw cycle that is the killer.
This is precisely what I was talking about. The Bear White-tail I owned was horrible in that regard. The peak loading was right at mid-draw, exactly where the arm has the least leverage. I was showing this bow to a fellow one time and he got absolutely apoplectic because he couldn't bring it to full draw. He just couldn't get it back past that mid-draw peak. My next bow, a Bear Kodiak, wasn't really much better. The Mathews has given me a few more years of "slingin' sticks'.
I never did any comparison shopping, so I have no idea whether the Mathews is any more 'old guy frendly' than any of the other modern bows or not. It was such an extraordinary improvement over the Bear bows, and it most definitely allowed me to shoot, that I didn't look any farther. I bought it on the spot.
Be nicer than necessary.


   You just have a muscle weekness in that range of motion. It is called a sticking point. Glad to see you are in physical therapy. You are in the right place. You will be good to go in no time.
   correct me if I am wrong, don't they do a scope to remove a bone spur? You can bounce back from that in a couple weeks and the scope is no longer than 15-20 minutes. I maybe wrong though. Of course I also understand that no surgery means nothing can go wrong.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


Quotedon't they do a scope to remove a bone spur?

Probably so, and I might consider that if the situation deteriorates - as it probably will as I age. However, based on personal experience, I have developed a fairly strong aversion to surgical "fixes" regardless of how "benign" the procedure might be represented. I've got too much experience in which the post-surgery condition was worse than the pre-surgery pain. Furthermore, it is my experience that, for the most part, surgeons cut first and ask questions later. Actually, my expereince is they cut first and couldn't care less about "later" unless you want to cut some more. Surgeons are taught - and they believe it with all their hearts - that surgery "works". Depending on one's definition of "works", that's not been my experience with respect to "arthro" surgery.
I was prepping for some arthroscopic surgery on my knees when a Physician's Assistant told me; "Put it off as long as you can, because it will never be better than it is today." I've never received any better medical advice.
I am well aware of a mountain of people that have had all sorts of "arthro" surgeries that think that it was the "best thing that ever happened to them". The trouble for me is, I've only READ about those people. ALL of the people I personally KNOW, and my PERSONAL experience, is not consistent with that evaluation.
Please don't take offense at my comments. I simply believe that all medical decisions, and especially those involving breaking the skin, should be made carefully and personally. I have neither a problem with the surgeons or those that choose surgical solutions. I simply do not choose that 'solution' except as an absolutely last resort. I've found I can live with the pain better than I can live with the surgical outcome.
Be nicer than necessary.


QuoteI simply believe that all medical decisions, and especially those involving breaking the skin, should be made carefully and personally.

Absolutely right, period. I worked in a physical therapy clinic for seven years. I have seen people get great results. of course, most of these people had so much pain, it could only get better. Arthroscopic surgeries have come a long ways. big difference in cutting into skin and sticking a scope in there. Person with meniscus surgery can literally be back to running in as little as two weeks. Getting the burr removed I don't believe entails much. but, it is your shoulder and if you are happy with your quality of life and not in a lot of pain. Then you are making the right decision. God Bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


   done any more searching for a bow yet? I don't have the luxury of going and holding any before I buy, I would have to travel about 4 hours downstate to do that. We do have one guy here that sells, but he pushe the bowtechs and the one he put in my hand was 800.00 bare bones.  he then went on to tell me how much of a steal that was, I decided to decline. Anxious to hear what you are leaning toward. God Bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


Quotebut he pushe the bowtechs and the one he put in my hand was 800.00 bare bones. he then went on to tell me how much of a steal that was, I decided to decline.

Been there - heard that - done that.
Be nicer than necessary.


I bought a pse xforce last year 60 lb pull , very nice bow  by the time i was done it hit me for 1200 bucks but it rocks , next one will be an apa innovations black mamba , also an incredible bow :)
- Fire up the grill ! \'Cause huntin , ain\'t catch and release! help us fight bad gun laws ! boycott toronto!


I recently researched bows and decided on a Bowtech guardian. I find the bow to be extremely fast, solid dimensions and rugged enough to withstand repeated usage. Everyone has an opinion on whati s the BEST...the honest truth is the best bow is the one that hits the mark ....dollars don't matter if the arrow doesn't hit the spot ! Price can buy quality... confidence and practice put meat in the freezer.


I am going to start bow hunting. I have an old Browning Cobra 50#....will this work on Deer, as long as I shoot under 30 yards? I have always rifle hunted, but tags in Oregon and Washington are getting hard to come by East of the Cascade Mountains. I bought this bow back in 1980....It's light and seems to shoot very well..
Should I upgrade?



Quotedollars don't matter if the arrow doesn't hit the spot ! Price can buy quality... confidence and practice put meat in the freezer.

Amen brother!!!!!!
    I certainly don't see why the bow you have will not work. I would not hesitate to let an arrow fly at 40 yards with 50#. Take it out and get used to it, learn to drive some tacks with it. I am sure you will do fine. As far as recurves, no knowledge of them. It is definately a different ball game with them. No let off whatsoever. I hear it is very addicting though!!! let us know how you make out and don't hesitate to ask some questions, lot of knowledgeable bowhunters on here who will help you out. God Bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


Jay Edwards is a recurve guy, maybe he will jump in here when he has time

"Politics is supposed to be the world\'s second oldest profession.  I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
Ronald Reagan


Black Widow out of Nixa Missouri are quality bows with proven performance. Seems though if a guy has a bow that he can shoot confidently at 30 or so yards trading up may not be a good plan. I shoot a Browning recurve I bought in 1968. A small Kodiac 51# it is plenty of bow at close range.
