that's just the way it is

Started by buckshot roberts, November 20, 2008, 02:53:07 PM

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buckshot roberts

well this rifle season is didn't start out to ended just as bad.. with two trip's to the hospital the first week.but it took me 3 day's pen down were the deer were crossing this guys farm, i saw a number of deer sign.. but no buck or doe themselves, i had one buck walk out on the main road after dark.. just a half mile from were i was hunting, the next night i counted 'bout 25 deer along the interstate  one for each mile home.......wednesday i stayed to just a little after dark, and could barely make out deer feeding to the west across this open field... just 'bout the end of this guys property with the hope of setting up in the heavy brush on the other side.. i was looking to take one when they worked they way east in the morning.........with just under 20 feet to the next property looked like it would much fer that..i got in the woods by 6:30 am.......and by the time it got light enough to see... a doe had gotten into the woodline a little over a 100 yards from were i was setting........i seen her kick when a fired my 94 winchester.........heard her fall off in the brush.......even saw the sign.....found some blood in this dry creek bed..........and enough "posted" signs to cover South Texas.........well i went back and got this man to call over to his neighbours farm and see if i could look for my deer..........after a short conversation with this person...all i got was a big no and a that's  just the way it is.... dadgum it i got so mad i even started back to look for it......... well that cold morning air cooled me down somewhat.....i didn't like doing it... but it was for  the best..............Ron
We got too complicated......It\'s all way over rated....I like the old and out dated way of life........I miss back when..


Hello BR. Tough luck for sure:frown ......doesn't work that way in NC MO. The neighbors even pitch in to find the deer if they have time.:) Regards, Rick.
Talk to yourself. There are times you need expert advice.

buckshot roberts

when muzzleloader season opens on the 13th of Dec........i'll just have to make sure they don't reach the border:greentongue: .....Ron
OBTW i'm still very mad over this.............
We got too complicated......It\'s all way over rated....I like the old and out dated way of life........I miss back when..


most of our land is not posted, so we rarely run into that problem. But I have heard of it happening. that is tough Ron, sure wish it had a worked out for ya. is that the end of deer season for you? God Bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


Tough luck. Makes you wanna give that guy the ole "what for" doesnt it. You should take a vacation and come on down here to bama. Our gun season starts tomorrow (Nov. 22) and lasts till the end of January. Best of luck on your muzzleloader season, maybe you'll get that big buck instead.


Tough luck. I hate that for ya for sure. You know I am a firm beleiver in what goes round comes round so sit back and cool down and watch them squirm when their time comes. You did the right thing and it'll come back round to ya one day ... hopefully it will be during muzzleloading !  Go get that ol' mossy horns  with double drop tines ! He's out there somewhere with your name on him ! :)
