Wolves - out of control

Started by whacker1, December 10, 2008, 04:00:58 PM

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Quote from: redrover;88909I personally think the wolves should be released closer to large urban areas so the people in the cities behind anti hunting can see first hand while fifi gets the chop.
"Live free or die: death is not the worst of evils." General John Stark

Daryl (deceased)

Quote from: redrover;88909Hey Whacker,
Over here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan things aren't so hot either.
The feds tried to delist the wolves as they are beginning to overpopulate and cause problems (eating dogs and livestock). The antihunters took it back to court proving they dont care about the survival of the wolves at all. The only thing they care about is controlling you and stop you from hunting.
The wolves are beginning to cause real problems here and most people I talk to are fed up with the anti-hunters lack of care for wolves by allowing them not to be managed and are waiting for the wolves to hurt a child or older person then I imagine most will take the matter into their own hands very quickly so it will not be possible to prosecute.
And the wolf population will be back where it started. None.
Right where the Anti hunters mismanaged it to.
I personally think the wolves should be released closer to large urban areas so the people in the cities behind anti hunting can see first hand while fifi gets the chop.

Yeah, they could start by releasing them in Central Park.
A government that abrogates any of the Bill of Rights, with or without majoritarian approval, forever acts illegitimately, becomes tyrannical, and loses the moral right to govern-Jeffrey Snyder

RIP Linden33


You'd have to walk your dog  in Central Park using a Penn Reel with a star drag and a steel leader just to handle the strike as they took of with Fifi into heavy cover


yes, the comments you made REDROVER about the intentions of the anti-hunting segment are very real.  "love him or hate him" Ted Nugent has spoken to the theory that anti-hunters would rather have the wolves reduce game to the point where the game species would have a hard time surviving if it meant eliminating hunter's ability to hunt in the future.  It sounds like a consipiracy theory to some folks, but a reality to others.
This is a very complex issue, because people are trying to manage animals from all angles.  Hunters, Conservation groups, Anti-Hunting groups, State & Federal Fish & Wildlife groups, etc.  Not sure of the solution, because we will never make everyone happy in our lifetime, but I do strongly feel that they are populated to the point where they ought to be made available to hunting & trapping.  
I know that I would like to have a full wolf mount on my wall to know that I eliminated the population of wolves by one more animal.  I also know if the opportunity presents itself it will be for a limited time in the lower 48 states. I am fairly confident that the Wolf game regs in the lower 48 states will vary as we have already witnessed in the last few years and will be open and closed for harvest several times during my lifetime.  I will just need to make sure that I maximize the opporutnities when the harvest is open.


I agree WHACKER1,

It is very complex to some...
Because they did not grow up in a rural area, but because they watched the Discovery Channel they are an expert in game management. Yet they have to hire an exterminator to take care of a mouse in their house.
Worse yet, we have relatives who grew up rurally, but never hunted and if they did, it was half-heartedly, and never successful. They hate hunting. They do not enjoy the outdoors, though they claim to. They move away to an urban area and get into discussions with other urban people who have even less experience and come back for a visit with their B.S. opinions. They are the kind of people who have ideas like sharpshooters or birth control and not hunters for overpopulated wild game. I offer to bring them shooting and they get wide eyed and act like I am offering to take them to meet satan. The closest they will get to the predator/prey relationship is a car/deer accident. The closest they will get to gathering is a trip to walmart.
The best thing you can hope for is to be there when they open their mouths and stay cool and knowing with your points and facts because every time you encounter them you have to win and be credible. Wolves aren't a problem, they are a huntable species, that if properly managed like Whitetails and Wild turkeys, will be just fine. But as long as the urban naturalist expert crowd tries to manage wolves with checkbook payments to anti-hunting organizations, the wolf will ultimately suffer the consequences when numbers grow too large and an elderly person or human child is hurt or killed.
