wild boar?? HEEELLLPPP!!!

Started by babbyc1000, December 22, 2008, 10:57:13 AM

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Congrats as that is a good sized pig, looking forward to the story.


:D..Now your talking pure South Georgia scrub hunting at it's best. You and your 12 gauge Icatha staking a trail in a palmetto thicket, the dawgs driving the boar to you. Maximum range,10-15 feet. Your target,mad,400 pounds and a nasty pair of tusks. Can you align you number three buck on the snorting, quivering mass of charging Palmetto leaves ? Or will you be diving into the briars to avoid becoming a piggy snack. Each year always brings the obligatory response impaired hunters with shredded legs to testify to the prowness of the pig....

drinksgin (deceased)

I have a friend on another forum who is part of a pack of Florida mental defectives who have only chase dogs, they go in [ the 2 legged ones], 2 or 3 at a time , one has a 9inch knfe, other 2 hold onto ears of pig  and the swordsman "sticks" the pig, that is, cuts the throat from side to side.
Several years ago, I was invited to go, but the spell of fever passed before I said something stupid, like, let's go!
NRA life, TSRA life, SAF life, GOA, CCRKBA, DEF -CON


...We have some of those mental defectives here too, they go in with modern updates of African Spears.....I'll keep using the shotgun, I'm too old and slow for that stuff.....

Dogwood Charlie

When our neighbor moved in, he had a couple of scaaaary acting pit bulls. Turns out they were catch dogs for hog hunting. One or two dogs would catch the hog by the rear end, one would hold it by the nose, and then the hunters would hog-tie the pig and load it into a truck! :eek:  They would take it home and feed it out for butchering. They're not wild boars, but feral hogs, so they fatten up just fine.
By the way, the neighbor said the dogs were not mean, even though they sounded like something from a horror movie when you walk by them. They just wanted somebody to pet them. :wings:  I'll take his word for it.


Lol,  I've been out on a few of these "mental defective" type hunts.
Here's how it happens - kiwi style:
The dogs will "bail" a pig.  There will be much barking obviously.  You rush in,  until you get close,  then if it is a smaller one (less than 100lb or so),  you sneak in behind,  so it doesn't see you - it will be too busy watching the dogs.  More often than not,  the dogs will see you and go in to "hold" at this stage - grabbing an ear each and pushing into it's side with their own.  Anyway,  go in behind and grab a back leg and the opposite front one from between the two back ones and flip it over.  Once a pig is on it's back it will try to dig it's nose into the ground to get enough leverage to right itself - it will be too busy doing this to try and bite or rip you.  During this time you have a knee on it's chest to hold it there,  and "stick it" down the throat towards the heart.  Much bleeding,  then it's all over.
If it's a big one or a feisty one,  yeah we use a solid,  or something else that is akin to throwing a brick (ie .44 magnum or 30/30 are popular here) and shoot it once (not repeatedly,  but just the once generally) behind the shoulder.  Remembering there are dogs there,  the last thing you want to do is risk peppering them with buckshot or having a projectile pass through them and into your prize "finder".  Especially since no one ever wants to part with a brilliant dog,  so you end up paying a grand or two for something average to poor.
I've done the sticking myself on an 80lber,  and it is honestly not that much of a worry.  People do it here all the time and I only know of one or two folk who have ever been ripped.
Normality is for the weak.


Oh - and dog wise you get a lot who use mongrels with staffy and pit bull and whatnot in them,  but the best in my opinion seem to be those which are whippet crosses of some form.  Small,  yes - but it means they can get through all the thick scrubby rubbish easilly,  and are super quick.
Normality is for the weak.


Sounds pretty exiting!
Be nicer than necessary.


It is indeed!!!  But nowhere near as dangerous as you would believe.  A brother inlaw stuck his first pig at about 14.  It is just "the done thing" in these parts.  I wouldn't be surprised if there are more "pig hunters" in NZ than shooters.
You get the odd person who doesn't even use a gun on the big ones,  but they are few and far between,  and have got super brilliant dogs.
It's actually the dogs who are harder than the hunters I reckon.
Normality is for the weak.

Mauserfan in TX

We do "Hawg & Dog" in my neck of the woods also. I have'nt knifed one in a few years though . It is a total rush to get in amoungst the dogs  and do the catch and stick. I will look in my locker and see if i con find my Pig Stiker. I am going on a hog hunt this coming Thursday, I'll let y'all know how it turns out.
8\'s is Great
Col Charles Askins


Good luck Mauserfan!!!  Glad to hear that "sticking" pigs isn't just a Southern hemisphere thing (it's big in Australia too).
Normality is for the weak.


I've heard of this in Hawaii too.
Be nicer than necessary.

Mauserfan in TX

Yep a knife in the right spot sure keeps the ribs looking nice, thats why if i am gun hunting i shoot them in the head.
8\'s is Great
Col Charles Askins
