first elk hunt

Started by buffalo bob, September 27, 2009, 02:17:06 PM

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buffalo bob


first to the actual hunt.  we were hunting in bridger teton area, pinedale wyomiong.  elevation of our camp was 9500ft.  we had to 4wheel up the small maoutain roads on atv's then walk to hunting sights.  saw 4 cows with calves the 3rd day but they stayed 700-800 yds off.  could not get any closer.  never saw another elk.  trying to keep the wind in your face was a laugh because the wind direction changed every 10-15 minutes.  when it snowed it actually looked like small tornadoes. also the snow made it nearly impossible to walk very far from the atv's.  in areas with much grass the snow seemed knee deep.  and again as i said except for the one sighting, none of the 5 people in our group say anything resembling an elk.  

the trip and camping adventure was very attention getting.  we camped in small tents on a small area cleared by park service.  first 3 nights were 20-25* and we kept fairly comfortable with propane heaters.  they would occasionally go out but someone would get them relit.  the 4th night the heater would not relight and the temperature hit -2*.  i woke at 2 am with ice hanging from my beard and my arthritic joints would not move.  all out shoes were frozen solid along with our clothing.  we forun a probable defective valve on the propane tank.  it snowed that same night and next day.  mostly white out conditions. we had to keep alert to too much snow causing the tents to collapse.

i will say i learned a lesson.  i had wanted to go elk hunting for the adventure. i found that hunting white tail here at home has as much adventure to it. or even chasing cotton tails.  the adventure is in being outside with nature.  the major difference with elk hunting is the cost and success rate of hunters.  being from a health care career i now equate this elk hunt with a colonoscopy.  something that should be done once but probably not repeated.

recoil junky

I feel sorry for you. No, really I do.

You should have done a bit of home work before "booking" with this "guide". Anybody who would set up a "camp" at 9500 feet is, well to put it bluntly, an idiot. Especially in September, when anything can happen to the weather and usually does. With our weather here in NW Colorado emmulating NW Wyoming, we got much the same weather as you at our  6500 foot elevation!!!.

No wonder you didn't see any elk.

When you go afield, take the kids and please......................................wear your seatbelts.
Northwest Colorado.............Where the wapiti roam and deer and antelope run amuck. :undecided:  
Proud father of a soldier medic in The 82nd Airborne 325th AIR White Falcons :army:

buffalo bob

wasn't a guide. it was my son-in-law.  bragged how his dad always took him to this very place.  also on day 3 my scope on the wby frosted up inside the objective so i had to fall back on my rigby.  lot less range to play with.  still it was an adventure and again i probably never attempt it again.  whitetail is fine for me.  also when i hunt here at home i can share the adventure with my grandson.  a big bonus for me.

recoil junky

I'm still sorry Buf, son-in-law or not.

Hopefully you can get yer scope fixed.

AND I hope you decide to go elk hunting again. Once you knock down an elk there's nothing like the shock of just how BIG they are. I've hunted whitetails a good bit in MT and while the terrain is different, they didn't leave their brains on the east side of the Mississippi. :biggthumpup:

When you go afield, take the kids and please......................................wear your seatbelts.
Northwest Colorado.............Where the wapiti roam and deer and antelope run amuck. :undecided:  
Proud father of a soldier medic in The 82nd Airborne 325th AIR White Falcons :army:


You have my condolences for not getting one. Make lemonaid where necessary, but not getting one is still the pits.
Be nicer than necessary.

buffalo bob

not getting an elk doesnt bother me.  the hunt is the important thing.  just like white tails.  if i go again i will be much better prepared.  the scope will be replaced by manufacturer.  my point here is that hunting for me is a pass time. no matter what i am hunting, it is just as important as the next animal.  i hunt for the fun of being affield, i shoot only what will be consumed by me or my family.  i do not seek trophies.  all gods critters are important so i cant apply a "more" important label to any one.


Sorry to hear this Bob, certainly does not sound like a pleasureable experience and has left you with a bad taste! I did chuckle when you said you had ice on your beard:) . Hopefully you will get a chance to hunt elk again and it will be a better experience. God Bless.
Quotedavidt89 Hope your hunt is successful but I would not even think of going with out a min of 20 rounds even if it was accross the street for squirrel. This may be once in a lifetime.:biggthumpup:

It only took one round:biggthumpup:
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


Quote from: davidlt89;98066Sorry to hear this Bob, certainly does not sound like a pleasureable experience and has left you with a bad taste! I did chuckle when you said you had ice on your beard:) . Hopefully you will get a chance to hunt elk again and it will be a better experience. God Bless.
It only took one round:biggthumpup:

:biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup:


i hunt for the fun of being affield,
:)  I'm with you there Bob, i think you have written this before, and it pretty well sums up my own way of looking at hunting as well.
There's a catch phrase you often see here in Gun ads, which says, carried more than fired, every time i read this i have a little chuckle to myself.

Just the chance to get out in the bush, exploring all the nooks and cranny's of the properties is enough for me most of the time. I could'nt tell you how many K'S i've wandered over hills and creek flats without seeing any game, however at the same time not feeling that it was a waste of time.

I t sure sounded cold though, still you wont forget the trip in a hurry that's for sure, hard for me to get my head around, as down here the biggest enemy is the heat most times.


What a bummer Bob.  Sorry you had such a bad experience.  A colonoscopy??  Geez that's a rough hunt!
It sounds like your in-law was under prepared and maybe ill-advised.  A little less altitude too maybe.

I hope there will be a next time, complete with wall tents and wood stoves, as it should be done.  Maybe a horse or two also.
Elk camp was always a wonderful experience for me.  It had little to do with success though.  The people, the camaraderie, the great eats, the fresh air and exercise, and just the experience in general.  The shooting and meat was just a bonus.

Better luck next time. <---if there is one.
QuoteRestrictive gun laws that leave good people helpless, don\'t have the power to render bad people harmless.

To believe otherwise is folly. --  Me

buffalo bob

i hear the wisdom here now.  in reality i wonder if the elk had already migrated to lower areas.  the few tracks we saw were probably just stragglers.  still, i am glad i went. it was a new memory to store back there in the brain somewhere.  i did have a couple of very memorable events.   found fresh BIG cat tracks through the snow. made me rock overhangs.  and i had a very close meeting with a moose cow and calf.  i was standing by a big pine and they walked up ti about 10yds.  didnt seem to know what i was.  rather large creature.  walked off when i moved my arms.  i am not angry or bitter about this hunt. as was said it is another memory to store and look back on when i am no longer able to do new things.  


Welcome to the club, Bob. I've only been elk hunting twice in my life, and I'm still elkless. Both were great trips, but "not gettin' " even when the trip was great, isn't as good as "gettin' ". The trip doesn't change - only the "gettn' " does.
Be nicer than necessary.

buffalo bob

i have one thing that should get a few chuckles.  had never shot the wby without the muzzle brake.  wanted to shoot without the noise so off it came.  i now have the biggest black eye ever seen.  sucker kicks like one of our missouri mules.  wby makes a fine effecient brake.  dont go home without it.  first blackeye i think i have ever had.


Quotei have one thing that should get a few chuckles.
It did indeed... :D:D:D
Be nicer than necessary.
