Greetings from Central Washington

Started by domacious, March 29, 2005, 10:25:32 PM

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Recently picked up a bow and am practicing for the upcoming archery season.  Skunked out of two rifle seasons here so trying something different.  Hope to learn a lot from those on this site.  Looking to talk to others with similar interests.

--Point to ponder:
Titanic built by professionals
Ark built by an amature

--Point to ponder:
The Titanic- built by professionals
The Ark- built by an amature

Guns cause crime like flies cause garbage!!


Welcome, we are in Central WA too but just interested novices with a heart
 Welcome, welcome!  I love this board!
 You'll make other friends fast.  There are quite a few of us spread across a wide swath from the coast on inland ...
 ~Kit, Ellensburg


Welcome to THL!  I also live in central Washington or I guess it would be more eastern but still pretty close.  I am going to be bow hunting this year as well, so give me a PM some time if you have any questions or what not.

Jay Edward (deceased)

Welcome to THL domacious...I think you'll find we're more than willing to give advice...some of it is even worthwhile.

Take relationships for example (after all cupid does have a bow), relationships depend upon the same qualities as archery.  Of course, unlike regular hunting, with relationships you have to set your sights high and not have quite so much tension.  Unlike archery, the lady is the one who ends up with the beau.

So welcome to THL (and a lot of low grade humor).  

- J
