Pride Goeth Before the Fall

Started by m gardner, April 01, 2005, 03:44:58 PM

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m gardner

I was running yesterday. Looking good too. Admired by all. Waving to the locals. They can't believe an old guy like me is in such good shape.( I run 2 to 7 miles daily so I can hunt this fall without having a heart attack.) Then it happened. I was on the dirt next to the road waving to an admirer when I turned my ankle rolled up into a ball like a gutshot rabbit and went down in a cloud of dust. I came up covered with most of last years goathead crop ( they are sharp and hurt you ) and dirt. I didn't get hurt much. I walked today though. The only thing I wish is that I could've seen it happen! This is just more proof that God exists and has a sense of humor. God bless and good hunting.


Did you dust yourself off and look around to see who had seen the Great Fall? LOL!!!

Yes, God definately has a sense of humor!!!


WE give you a standing ovation here as well....:D
Remind yourself often to SEE not just "look".


Oh my glad you weren't hurt ! You are to be admired for sharing that :D !


Yes, God does have a sense of humor and I have to believe a sense of irony too!!  The Lord does have a way with helping us put things in perspective ;) in the most unexpected ways!! God Bless, Frank.
