electronic callers

Started by neo76201, October 11, 2005, 08:51:37 PM

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i was thinking about getting an electronic caller but before i spend $300 on a caller i wanted to know if they work well. do any of you have them? do you prefer them over normal calls? are there any particular brands that are better than the others? thanks for the help


You can get a good caller cheaper than 300 bucks depending where you are located.....I love the electronic route...allows you to be hand free, allows you to change calls quickly and effortlessly, and most importantly having an electronic caller with a remote allows you to put the caller in one place and attract all the attention allowing you to remain undetected.....there are pros and cons for hand calls and electronics and depending on the situation I like to use both.....during daylight though I love electronics......
Personal field testing trumps everything no matter what Field and Stream says, what your degree of perceived manhood is, or what your buddies think.


where i live here in utah at sportsmans wharehouse they range from 89 to about 289 but i believe you usually get what you pay for and would rather drop 200 bucks on a caller and only buy it once they go through a couple and then get the good one but if they are all the same then i will always go for the better buy.

Daryl (deceased)

I've used a few different e-callers in the past few years.  I still prefer hand calls for much of my calling, but there are some situations that are better suited to an e-caller w/remote.
You can put together a decent e-caller with just a walkman tape player and a horn type speaker.  It's fairly cheap, and they do work.  For my uses, I like the foxpro with a remote.  They offer a good selection of sounds, and the remote has enough range to make it useful.
The e-callers do work well, but I'm still convinced that I call more coyotes with a hand call.  Few (if any?) hunters can duplicate the sounds I make, and I do pretty well with hand calls.
A government that abrogates any of the Bill of Rights, with or without majoritarian approval, forever acts illegitimately, becomes tyrannical, and loses the moral right to govern-Jeffrey Snyder

RIP Linden33


I was looking at buying one last year and was looking at a varmint/predator forum, the consensus was the two best were the Foxpro and the Loudmouth. And they are also the most expensive. But they both have wireless remotes and I haven't done that type of hunting enough to know if they work better than some of the others like the Johnny Stewart.
One point though is do you live in a northern state?  Hand calls will freeze up on you and it can be a pain.


I like the fox pro with the remote, it has produced a lot of yots and fox, but at the same time don't ever leave home without the faithful reed or mouth calls


if you've got the money get a Foxpro I bought a  phantom pro call that couldn't produce, and although they were great on customer service it never quite worked right.

The Foxpro always works, and the remote works from way out.
My brother just picked up the new model and its super.

But as Daryl said; mouthcalls are the superior way to go—total control.



This is all ive used in last 6 years, Its called a Poor Boy fox call made by Paul Martin in Owego New York, Its just a light weight plywood box camo. Contains a small preamp for sound. You just plug in a simple walkman cassete or cd player. It did operate on two 6 volt dry cell batteries when i got it. I converted it to a 12 volt gell cell rechargeable battery. And it works great. The total weight is about 6 lbs. with a shoulder strap. The first picture is what it looks like. The second the box open, The third is battery and preamp. With a volume control aout the end on the box. I paid like $30.00 for the box call. And u just add battery and your own cassete. And ive had more than a million dollars of fun with this . POOR BOY_ CALLER made by Paul Martin


Also gonna try #2 steel shot for fox 3" magnums  20 guage after deer season, I couldnt find the loads i wanted so i figurged id try #2 steel at night calling. Hope this knockems out.
