Squirrel Hunting

Started by motor (deceased), October 08, 2004, 03:31:50 PM

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drinksgin (deceased)

Ah, the simple pleasures of the poor student keeping from starving in his garret.
Now I know why you are so sk--uh slim in the picture of you with the hog.
If I was to pose with a hog, the visible difference would be , he had more hair and it was darker.
I have been cooking since I was 9 years old, and I mean family meals.
Mom and Dad both got in late, so I started in getting supper ready before bedtime, had a few semi- disasters, but most everything got ate.
Check some of the recipes I have posted in the chuckwagon forum, not open a can and chow down.
Don  ;D
NRA life, TSRA life, SAF life, GOA, CCRKBA, DEF -CON



Great to find out I am not the only one,you see we only hunt squirrel as vermin control because local land owners do regard them as tree rats.I am quite eager to try a cagun recipe that I found,so I will let let you know how I get on.
Your friend...........Richie:D
happiness is a critter in the crosshairs


I checked the Chuckwagon, and found only three recipes - none of which were yours. Looks like posts are "dropping out" again. How about reposting?
Be nicer than necessary.


I thought that some of the recipes were disappearing also, but they weren't.  Try going to your "User C/P" at the top of the page, Then choose "Edit Options" from the sidebar, then about halfway down go to "Thread Display Options" and the last setting in that section "Default Thread Age Cutoff", take "Show All Threads" which is the last one in the drop down list.  Then "Save Options".  
 Perhaps we could get one of the admins to make this the default setting, as the default seemed to be set at 30 days or something.

"Politics is supposed to be the world\'s second oldest profession.  I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
Ronald Reagan


Hi all,
Just tryed my first tasteof squirrel,casseroled with root vegetables in red wine I can assure you they will not go to waste again,the missus was slightly disgusted with me,she wouldn,t try it but thats her loss,thanks for turning me on to something new, I eat rabbits and game birds when I get them along with venison but if I had not met you folks I would never have dreamt of squirrel and to think I have been hunting them for years with the pellet gun and just taken the tails:confused: I did try hedgehog once years ago that was unusual:o But any way thanks again I have learned so much since meeting you all I am getting addicted now I have to sign on every night just to see what you are all up to:D
Thanks again your friend......................Richie
happiness is a critter in the crosshairs

drinksgin (deceased)

You still have a number of recipes to go, if young, soak in salt water in ref a short time, dredge in seasoned flour and fry in a skillet with a moderate amount of oil, or saute in oil with some onions, add some potatoes, carrots, corn and a tomato, add water to cover and simmer until the meat is tender, this is East Texas squirrel stew.
There are a number of other recipes, check the chuckwagon forum here and try "squirrel recipes" on an internet search.
Happy eating, and DO NOT let your wife try any of the recipes, no point in wasteing a good thing.
NRA life, TSRA life, SAF life, GOA, CCRKBA, DEF -CON


Hi Don,

thanks a lot going out the weekend to try and get a few more.How do they respond to freezing do they still taste as good as fresh?
Great talking to you .........Richie;)
happiness is a critter in the crosshairs

drinksgin (deceased)

If you want to freeze them for a short time, less than a month, wrapped tightly in plastic food wrap should do, longer than that, vacuum baging would be much better.
Most any recipe for rabbit should do well, may need a time simmering to tenderize the meat, the little varmints are very active and athletic.
NRA life, TSRA life, SAF life, GOA, CCRKBA, DEF -CON


Hi Don,

Thanks for the info ,I needed to know because asI am yhe only one who will eat them there is no point in cooking large portions,and lately I have been very lucky on my hunts getting on average 4 at a time,and you never know when it will dry up,also come spring time the cover will increase and they will take to the trees again.Have to get the pellet gun out again then
Keep safe .......Richie:D
happiness is a critter in the crosshairs


Glad to hear we have another smallgame-eater among us!
Next come muskrat, 'possum, and armadillo. Of course the U.K. will have to import some first. :)
Be nicer than necessary.


Hi Gitano,

We also have the hedgehog,you know the little spikey fellas some people do eat them,I had a jack russel terrier which was mad on them she would hunt them all day,of course they are a bit of an anti climax,no point in shooting them coz they curl up in a ball and wait for you to pick them up:rolleyes: did try it once tastes like chicken,You have to use an old gypsy technique to cook them after gutting them you wrap them in river bank clay and place them in some nice hot embers they cook in the clay and when you break it open the spines and skin come away in the clay:D Tried it when I was much younger it wasnt bad eating.
Keep safe..........Richie
happiness is a critter in the crosshairs


Hi Gitano,

We also have the hedgehog,you know the little spikey fellas some people do eat them,I had a jack russel terrier which was mad on them she would hunt them all day,of course they are a bit of an anti climax,no point in shooting them coz they curl up in a ball and wait for you to pick them up:rolleyes: did try it once tastes like chicken,You have to use an old gypsy technique to cook them after gutting them you wrap them in river bank clay and place them in some nice hot embers they cook in the clay and when you break it open the spines and skin come away in the clay:D Tried it when I was much younger it wasnt bad eating.
Keep safe..........Richie
happiness is a critter in the crosshairs


Import possum and muskrat?  Those fall into the class we call "road kill" around these parts. :D

drinksgin (deceased)

I do not care for possum, muskrat, or as my Minnesota cousins called them, swamp rabbit, are very decent if cooked properly, coon is good roasted if the musk glands are removed before skinning and most of the fat is trimmed off.
Armadillo is nice slow cooked over charcoal with a hickory chunk or two added, if you get to Louisiana, and , find the right cook, nutria is good.
Beaver is a nice mild and fairly tender meat, does best with more seasoning, in a lot of Texas, beavers are a real problem, tunneling through stock tank dams, blocking culverts and small creeks and flooding roads.
They also dam up drainage ditches in areas with extensive irrigation, such as the lower valley and cost the drainage districts millions of dollars each year for dragline work to remove them.
I really think most animals are at least fairly good if properly cared for and then cooked to enhance their natural character.
I always try something once.
NRA life, TSRA life, SAF life, GOA, CCRKBA, DEF -CON


Rabbit and squirrel dumplin's are my favorite way to cook these small animals.  I've eaten muskrat but didn't know I had until after I had eaten.  We have friends who love squirrel brains..UGH!!!  I just can't imagine eating a squirrel brain but they say the brain tastes like a walnut.
Rabbit is my favorite of the small animals.  I used to tell my son to go out and shoot a big fat rabbit for supper!!! He's dress it out and I'd have rabbit gravey and dumplin's.  Good eating!! Country style.
