Howdy from E.TX

Started by Mauserfan in TX, July 09, 2006, 02:16:48 PM

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Mauserfan in TX

I just wanted to say "Howdy" To y'all. I really like the forum. I look foreward to hearing from my fellow Texans here also. I am in Athens, Tx . Do I have any neighbors out there?
8\'s is Great
Col Charles Askins

buckshot roberts

:D Howdy an welcome to THL, good to have ya ;)  Hey ya never know Ron
We got too complicated......It\'s all way over rated....I like the old and out dated way of life........I miss back when..


We have our share or Texas boys on here....:)

Glad you stopped in, & come back often!

Remind yourself often to SEE not just "look".


Welcome to the campfire.  Lots of Texans here, as well as some ex-patriots.

"Politics is supposed to be the world\'s second oldest profession.  I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
Ronald Reagan

Jay Edward (deceased)

Welcome to THL.  

I'm located in the Northern Rockys and it sure feels like Texas weather here right now.  But the river is still running full and there is a chance of rain in the not too distant future... followed by another heat wave.

Anyway... drop by any time and we'll have the coffee pot on (unless the USFS says to get out of the woods).  


Seems I am the first Texican to wander by. There are a few others, one lives near Trinity so pretty close to you.
I am in Katy just west of Houston.
Welcome in to camp.


Welcome to THL! :) Some really good folks around here.

Mauserfan in TX

Thanx for the warm welcome all. Hey AlBoy, I used to live in Crockett , TX for a few years. Trinity was a little ways up the road. I caught my fair share o fish out the Houston County Lake  while i lived there.
8\'s is Great
Col Charles Askins
