Kodiak Hikers

Started by Apex Predator, July 29, 2006, 10:20:59 AM

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Apex Predator

My Grandpa In WA told me this Joke. I dont know if I'm getting all of it right but what the heck...

A bunch of hikers in Kodiak island Alaska are talking to a ranger and the ranger say's...

"Oh make sure to look out for bears."
Then the hikers ask "Well what kind of bears live here?"
Then the ranger said "There are black and grizzly bears here. Make sure you watch out for grizzly's though. The ones around here a mean." Then the ranger hands all the hikers tiker bells. " Put these tinker bells around your neck so you wont startle the bears."
The hikers put on the tinker bells then ask "How will we know what kinds of bears are in the area."
Then the ranger say's "Thats simple. You can tell by the poop."
Then the hikers ask "How can we tell black bear from girzzly bear poop?"
"Thats simple..." The ranger replies. "Grizzly bear poop will have these little tinker bells in it."
An apex predator is a predator that is at the top of the food chain. Thats where I am.



Ha Ha That's funny ! :D !
