my season thus far

Started by Daniel Ludwig, November 24, 2004, 08:18:55 AM

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Daniel Ludwig

hi all!
im new to the forum, and since we are 3 days in now i just figured id relay my good fortune thus far.
First day took a spike at about 100 yds with my 700 Classic 35 Whelen. first shot grazed a haybale, striking the deer infront of the shoulder and low, i recovered quickly and took a second shot which took out both lungs, stopping the deer in its tracks.
Second day took a doe at about 80 yds, was after some good eatin so i took her just below the left eye, dropping her straight away. i must say im very impressed with my new 35 Whelen so far, shooting Remington 250gr factory loads.
today has been rainy, and i had to work this morning, so no luck so far, but the day is far from over.
good luck to all
Daniel J. Ludwig


Congrats on your success, Daniel! Good luck on the rest of your season. Post some pics if you have them.;)

motor (deceased)

Yeh, sounds good and welcome to THL., glad to have ya aboard..I have two does and a Spike so i will be turkey hunting for awhile now although i will probably try for one more doe before season ends in Jan.. good luck and have a great Turkey-Day
Just an ole sinner saved by grace


How common is the name LUDWIG?
Know a guy near Houston by that last name and wondered if you might be related.
Welcome to the forum by the way.

Daniel Ludwig

just an update, took another small buck saturday, quite a challenging shot, was hiding behind a haybail to avoid spooking 2 does in the pasture, noticed them looking back into the woods every so often. i didnt think anything of it at first but then i caught a glimpse of white way back in the woods, which upon looking close turned out to be a small buck walking the edge of a path, i knew he wouldnt come into the field so i scoped an opening ahead of him on the path and waited for him to approach it, and when he did i took him at a quartering angle through the front of the onside shoulder and exiting the rear of the offside shoulder. due to the awkward position i fired from and the heavy recoil of my 35 whelen i was alittle slow on getting back on target after the rifle report. i kept looking for the deer to be running and i really thought i might have missed at first, but once i stepped into the woods i saw him immediately, laying over a log precisely where i had shot him, he hadnt even kicked!!! the shot was about 180yds through heavy cover, i was truly impressed! i cant say enough about this 35 whelen, it has become my one and only choice when i head to the fields.

good hunting

Daniel J. Ludwig

Daniel in Ak

Congrats! and Id say someones freezer is filling up fast :)

motor (deceased)

I just finished cuting up and packaging that spike i killed a week ago saturday..made about twenty pounds of sausage, some stew meat, some prime steaks and the rest ground..gonna try that sausage this evening  :D
Just an ole sinner saved by grace


Wow great season for you Mr. Ludwig..20 years old and a two buck year!!
I just got my first real mounter a week ago a 10 pointer. ..And a  6 pointer earlier with the this is my first two Buck year as well....No does yet, but late season awaits!

Daniel Ludwig

this actually makes the 6th year in a row that i have taken 2 bucks in the first week, im quite proud of that streak!! no trophies this year, but lots of meat in the freezer.
wishing everyone full bag limits and freezers this winter
Daniel J. Ludwig
