hunting with cats!!

Started by babbyc1000, March 13, 2007, 02:00:19 PM

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Ask not what your government can do for you. Ask how your government can go away and get out of your life.
The unarmed man is is not only defenseless, he is also contemptible.
Niccolo Machiavelli


Went hunting for deer once and when got back my ol' Tom cat was sitting on the porch with a rabbit he had taken. I didn't take a deer that day but he left the rabbit for me. Also after returning from a days hunt without scoring, came home to find a squirrel on the porch and my little dog ran to it and looked up at me as if to say I got one. He also left it there. He always acts so proud when I bring in game. I can leave a turkey laying outside and he'll never bother it. He waits until I clean it knowing he'll get some when I do.


haha, that's something I've heard of before!

Thanks for the pics.......certainly made my day.

buckshot roberts

:biggthumpup: Hey that is one cool pics, i'm a cat lover myself, I feed ever cat tha comes around,  Ron
We got too complicated......It\'s all way over rated....I like the old and out dated way of life........I miss back when..


yeah, im kinda the same. the gf's a total softie when it comes to them, i always complain that i dont like so many hanging around the place, but i still feed them...
Dont worry, I have a cunning plan...

Alton R Dillon

I used to have a yellow cat ,years ago, which would follow me about when I went for a walk. or to check on the livestock. She started going with me on rabbit hunts too.  She got to be just like a dog. She would wait for me , staring at the rabbit like a pointer, and after I shot ,she would run and get the rabbit. I always got it from her . I don't remember that we had any problems. That was while I used a 22 rimfire. One day we went out with a .243  and I shot  a praire dog, which had been a pest at my garden, the muzzle blast was too much and scared the cat so she never went out again.   One of her kittens would fetch a small rubber ball until he was worn out.  I had several friends that couldn't believe how good he was at finding the ball and how quick he would return it.  I also had a pet badger that was like a watch dog, I gave him raw hamburger  at the porch steps and he would set up and beg  like any little ankle biter.
