I need some suggestions

Started by queen of the woods, June 07, 2007, 11:56:46 AM

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This past Christmas, my girls of course asked me what I wanted in the way of gifts. I gave it some thought in light of what I really wanted from them, and what was within thier 'reach' to give. I found a website that would mount a picture of one's own on a mug. I asked each of them to select a favorite picture of their choosing, and have it mounted, with an accompanying comment, on a mug. I like the results.
I think the picture idea, whatever form it takes, is a good one, and one most any Dad would appreciate.
As an aside, I used this same site to make up a 15-month calendar of family photos for MY Dad for Christmas. Pictures are good.
Be nicer than necessary.


I am 67.  Most anything I might want I have allready bought or it is far to expensive !!!
I would feel bad if my kids  went and spent a bunch of money on me.  They need it worse than I do !!!
What I want is for them to show/tell me about things I did right when they were growing up and that gave them some real good memories of the time together.  Just to know I was not a total *****-up and showed them some thing they will treasure all their lifes is by far the greatest present I could ever get.
Democrats kill more people with their DRIVEING than Republicans do with their GUNS !!!
