OSHA to ban handloading?

Started by Daryl (deceased), July 02, 2007, 07:09:29 PM

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Daryl (deceased)

I'm going to check this out further, but y'all might want to read this thread.
It disturbs the heck out of me, and if true, we need to react...NOW!
A government that abrogates any of the Bill of Rights, with or without majoritarian approval, forever acts illegitimately, becomes tyrannical, and loses the moral right to govern-Jeffrey Snyder

RIP Linden33


sounds like it could be serious daryl. I don't reload, but I may want to someday. harder than heck navigating around and finding the actual do***ent.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


I have tried bringing this to the attention of debunkers but so far no luck there.

bowhunter 51

Uh-Oh!....This does look like an ( end-around) comin' up..:undecided: ...I agree,
better act on this one, ASAP...........................................................BH51
**********God Bless America**********
>>>>-----------Live to Hunt--------------->>
>>>>-----There is no off season--------->>


Here's a quote from the proposed change in regulations. As far as I'm concerned, if it's good for the UN it's bad for citizens of any nation, but especially the US.

The use of different explosives
classification systems by DOT, ATF, and
OSHA is confusing and burdensome for
the regulated community. Therefore,
OSHA is proposing to adopt the DOT
UN-based classification system as part
of the definition of explosives as
applied in § 1910.109(b). The use of this
globally-harmonized system enhances
clarity and reduces confusion, thereby
resulting in greater understanding and
increased safety in the use of explosives.
Stakeholders have indicated the desire
that other departments and agencies
should also consider adoption of the
DOT UN-based classification system to
reduce the burden for and
misunderstanding within the industry.

Emphasis mine.
I only skimmed the document, but two things seem clear to me:

1) This appears to be a turf war between OSHA and the BATF, and
2) The people that work at OSHA are fascist sociali$ts. (The "p0rn" filter" is really getting out of control.)

[/SIZE]The thrust of the proposed changes are directed at broadening the definition of "explosive". OSHA doesn't like the broad categorizations uused by the BATF. Of course OSHA is only thinking of the "workers". So was the the old Soviet Politburo, and Mao.

The sociali$t party of America (AKA the Democrats) will love this, therefore it is likely to pass without a whimper. The Republican politicians won't use any political capital fighting it because it's "not on the national radar".

Al, this isn't "bunk" - I've seen the document. It seems a bit hyperbolic to me to state that OSHA is trying to "ban handloading". Nonetheless, I have no doubt that the fascist sociali$ts at OSHA would love nothing better. This is simply a way to gain more control of the populace in the guise of "safety".

The deadline for comment - if you want to spit into the wind - is July 12th. Keep in mind, OSHA isn't proposing to "ban" ANYTHING. They just want to "protect" the "worker".... said the spider to the fly.

Be nicer than necessary.


I e-mailed my reps and Senators......total Bull S***. I can hear it now....Attention Walmart shoppers, a lightning bolt was reported in the county and the store must be evacuated immediately as we sell .22 and 30'06 shells.......wait wait shoppers, we have cleared the store of all ammunition and it is now safe to shop. Ted and Hillary are going to take our guns by making it impossible to make or buy ammo. For everone who reads this....call your reps now.....this is very very serious. :( Regards, Rick.
Talk to yourself. There are times you need expert advice.


I got both Georgia senators and a representative yesterday.  I was thinking of getting the Florida ones as well, that's where I'm registered but my "home's in Alabama" so I might write them too.  Osha makes a point of adopting the DOT number system for explosives, which has 6 different classifications from extremely volatile like blasting agents to nearly inert like ammo.  And then throughout the whole update it applies the same insanely restrictive measures to "explosives" et al, without allowing for different measures for different classifications.  Seems an obvious ploy to me.

"Politics is supposed to be the world\'s second oldest profession.  I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
Ronald Reagan


Up in "WHATS ON YOUR MIND" is a link to try and do something also. good luck if you go that route.



Looks like someone is trying to be sneaky. Our guns won't be of too much use if we can't get ammo for them.:mad:  DO SOMETHING NOW, instead of whinning about it after the fact:(
Here are the step by step instructions on how to post a comment. You may want to have that first post minimized and a 2nd RIMFIRECENTRAL.com window open so that you can quickly and easily refer back to the instructions for making your comment.
God Bless, Frank.
1.   Clink on the link at the top this post and go to a page on the NSSF website.
2.   Find the "TEMPLATE LETTER" about 2/3rds down on the left side. Click on it. Fill in the date at the top
      and type in you name at the bottom. Then do the CTRL-C thing to put it into the computers short
      term memory. Click on the BACK BUTTON and go to the bottom of the page
      and click on the link "www.regulations.gov" close to the bottom of that page.
3.   Find 'ALL DOCUMENTS OPEN FOR PUBLIC COMMENT" and click on it. In the PAGE BOX type in
      COLOR=Red]18[/COLOR] and hit the ENTER button.
4.   About the middle of this page find "OSHA-2007-0032-0001" Title is "EXPLOSIVES". On the right you
      will find a yellow/gold ballon, put the curser on it, it should say "add comments", click on it.
5.   This opens a new page. In the "SUBMITTER INFORMATION" section fill in the appropriate fields. (I
      found that it also works to just type "private" in places that you don't want publicized, like your
      street address) Courtesy of JetGirl

6.   Then find the "GENERAL COMMENTS" box on the same page and do the CTRL-V thing to paste
      you "TEMPLATE LETTER" into the comments box.
7.   Go to the bottom of this page and click on the "NEXT STEP" box. If the same page come back up you
      didn't fill out something correctly on this page. Check the "Submitter Information" section. Red type
      to the right of any field is why it won't accept your comment. I put a period behind my middle initial
      and that field only allows ONE CHARACTOR. I deleted the period and it went through just fine!!! You
      even get a confirmation number of sorts so you can find "Your Comment"
So now that you know HOW to submit a comment PLEASE submit one!!!

recoil junky

I just put in my 2 cents worth.

This is not the only forum that has alerted people to this proposed ruling.

Lets ALL make our voices heard. We must oppose this tyranny.

When you go afield, take the kids and please......................................wear your seatbelts.
Northwest Colorado.............Where the wapiti roam and deer and antelope run amuck. :undecided:  
Proud father of a soldier medic in The 82nd Airborne 325th AIR White Falcons :army:
