Lion in the Kalahari

Started by grayghost, July 30, 2007, 05:14:51 PM

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That's still a great lion and a great mount.
Be nicer than necessary.

AZ Shooter Gal

Daryl, ditto on building the trophy room. This IS a magnificent trophy!!!


wonderful trpohy ! beautiful mount ! not much more to say than that , i'm speechless .
- Fire up the grill ! \'Cause huntin , ain\'t catch and release! help us fight bad gun laws ! boycott toronto!


Thank you everyone. Yes, I have just the place for him :)
In the end....the Hunter hunts himself


hmmmmm , i know where he can go ,  don't suppose you'd want to bring him over here ? he'd look great in my front room  facing the front door ! heh he'd scare the life outta anyone that walked through the door, especially burglars and other unwanted's , i'd even change my burglar alarm from a buzzing to a lion's roar, and of course the door bell to a lion's roar as well :) that would be just tooo funny ;)

- Fire up the grill ! \'Cause huntin , ain\'t catch and release! help us fight bad gun laws ! boycott toronto!


Have you people been to Grayghost's web site???
Go take a gander it's amazing!!:smiley:
I even learned Greyghost is in my neck of the woods!!
Great lion and mount Gray!!
A mind always employed is always happy. This is the true secret, the grand recipe, for felicity.
Thomas Jefferson


Thanks, I appreciate the kind words. While we're about to head into a sweltering summer, Africa and other parts of the world are just beginning winter. Nothing like waking up to frost on the ground in the middle of June :)
Good hunting,
In the end....the Hunter hunts himself
