Important food consuption guideline

Started by Alboy, February 05, 2010, 05:04:56 AM

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For  those of you who watch what you eat, here's the final word on nutrition and health.  It's a relief to know the truth after all those conflicting nutritional  studies.  

1. The Japanese eat very little fat

and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.

2. The Mexicans eat a lot of fat

and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.

3. The Chinese drink very little red wine

and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.

4. The Italians drink a lot of red wine
and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.  

5. The Germans drink a lot of beer and eat lots of  sausages and fats  
      and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.

Eat and drink what you like.
Speaking English is apparently what kills you.



However, what I think actually kills Americans is all the "plastic" we eat.

Do you know what "plastic" is? It's a LONG chain of carbon and HYDROGEN molecules.

What do you do to "oil" (of any type) when you "hydrogenate" it? You ADD hydrogen atoms.

What's the "half-life" (time it takes to decay to 1/2 of it's former mass) of most "plastics"?  THOUSANDS OF YEARS.

WHY do "they" hydrogenate oil? TO EXTEND ITS SHELF-LIFE SO IT DOESN'T GO BAD. "THEY" make it into PLASTIC.

What happens when that PLASTIC gets "in" us? I CERTAINLY does NOT "break down". Instead it makes "plaque" that lasts FOR A LIFETIME.

"Plaque" like in the plaque in coronary artery disease.

"Plaque" like in the plaque in Alzheimer's disease.

Why did Americans start having all the "heart" problems after WWII?

Why did the incidence of Alzheimer's skyrocket in the '80s and beyond?

When did America start hydrogenating food oils?

During WWll so the "margarine" that they sent to the troops wouldn't spoil on the long trips overseas. It worked so well, "they" started marketing it to the public. If you were alive in the '50s and '60s, you should remember that "margarine" was a commercial "non-starter" UNTIL THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION "put the Hex" on BUTTER AND EGGS saying that "cholesterol" was causing coronary heart disease. All of a sudden, "margarine" and a whole HOST of other "hydrogenated" products started 'taking off' commercially.

At one time in the US we used "lard" to make pie crusts, biscuits, and other "bread-like" pastries. Then we went to "shortening". Know what "shortening" is? HYDROGENATED (plasticized) fat. Ever seen a 10-year-old can of "shortening"? I have. It looks like the day it came out of the factory. WHAT DO YOU THINK THAT STUFF DOES IN YOUR BODY!

"Hydrogenated" IS POISON! DON'T EAT ANYTHING WITH "hydrogenated" OR "partially hydrogenated" in it. PERIOD. IT'S POISON! Cholesterol WON'T HURT YOU! YOU MUST HAVE Cholesterol to make cells walls. WHY DO YOU THINK OUR LIVERS MAKE IT!

The medical profession WILL NEVER, EVER admit that they blamed cholesterol on heart disease BEFORE THEY HAD THE WHOLE STORY. We now have the whole story, and the simple truth is that all the recommendations to use "margarine", and other butter "substitutes" were not only WRONG, they actually DID HARM.

This is the ONLY thing you will ever hear me say about "what to eat". I believe with all my heart and soul and every fiber of my body, that the PLASTIC we eat BY THE TON every day is what is KILLING Americans and "plasticizing" their brains.


All the ranting above probably means I'll die of a heart-attack tomorrow. If I do, it won't be because I eat REAL food instead of PLASTIC. It will be because I listened to the idiot "experts" in the AMA and ate PLASTIC for a large part of my life.

Be nicer than necessary.

drinksgin (deceased)

Aw, how do you think usen ol'country boys that raised up on jersey milk, butter( on the lard laced buscuits) yard eggs, grass fed beef and free range chickens and turkeys shall get by on the nasty stuff available in the store?
By the way, I am starting 5lb of boneless pork loin steaks to sugar cure ,tomorrow, and 6 lb of canadian bacon, too.
I am sure the crud did my GU did in, he only made 99 years.
NRA life, TSRA life, SAF life, GOA, CCRKBA, DEF -CON


I have pretty good genes on my mother's side (mother's genes are good - and bad - for boys). Maternal grandmother and her father lived to 100 and 103 respectively. I'm not sure how old my maternal grandfather was when he died; in his 80s I think. (Supposedly I'm a lot like him morphologically and temperamentally - quick-tempered Irishman.) My Dad made 80, but would have lived a lot longer if it hadn't been for Agent Orange. His Dad died at 80, but his brothers both made it into their early 90s as did his mother. Based on the rate of physical decline I have seen in the last few years, I expect about 80 to be the end of the road for me. My mother died of a stroke at 32, so I'm past that milestone. My older brother died at 65, but he smoked like a chimney (as did our mother), and died of COPD. My sister is turning 65, smokes heavily and drinks wine 'with enthusiasm', so I don't expect her to live too much longer.

About the best thing I can think to do these days is quit eating PLASTIC.

Be nicer than necessary.


Spot on Paul. There is far too much rubbish put out there by "experts" claiming eating "this" will kill you and "that" will shorten your life.
Eat "real" food, not processed rubbish and are on the right track.

And why do we eat this "processed" rubbish. Simple, it's becasue we won't feel the effects of it for many, many years to come. Put it another way, if each time you ate processed foods and you had a heart attack, you would stop eating those processed foods. Because we don't feel the effects immediately we think it's OK.

My Grandmother once said to me. "I think we were alot smarter when we knew alot less"
"Belief:" faith in something taught, as opposed to "knowledge:" which is awareness borne of experience.


Be nicer than necessary.


Just had my annual physical yesterday............
             Doc said " what ever you`re doing...........keep doing it !"
    I do drink 2% milk like it`s water, slather whole butter lavishly, eat grain cereals for breakfast and eat nothing but wild game meats.  The freezer is full of elk, venison, halibut, salmon, pike, sunfish,wild goose and duck.  We don`t buy any store-bought meat anymore.  We eat plenty of good green salads and always have a veggie for dinner.  
  What, elk AGAIN  ????
  Oh no.............   venison.......... again????????      :happy:
That said,   I`m afraid if Obama and Hickenlooper have their way, I`ll be back to greasy old hamburger soon.    :angry:

drinksgin (deceased)

Ja dub, you pore, mistreated thang, having to live on what you can scrounge up!
NRA life, TSRA life, SAF life, GOA, CCRKBA, DEF -CON


Obama won't curtail hunting. That will come from WITHIN from the "ethics police". Look to Great Britain for EXACTLY what the US is headed for in terms of "politically correct" hunting. it will be the good for NOTHING "gun writers" (ptooey) that will lead the 'flock' right down that path.

Be nicer than necessary.
