Calf Killing Coyotes!

Started by rockinbbar, February 28, 2010, 06:34:14 PM

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Coyotes get pretty brave when they are around a headquaters on a ranch. This particular promlem comes from the Texas ranch. Heifers are usually calved out in the large pasture out in front of the house.

The heifers usually take longer to calve, and therefore are vulnerable longer to this case coyotes. :cursing:

While we get down there try & control as much a we can, especially around the headquarters, if you wait awhile, new coyotes move into the territory....which is what has happed here.
Last year I even got pictures of a newborn calf that had been killed and eaten by coyotes.

Barbara went with her family to give them a hand at the San Angelo Stock Show, and I stayed behind and worked with targeting the coyotes there at the headquarters.

The first stand of the first morning I queitly got into the area and set up where I could see a good distance and started calling...
Almost instantly, a pair broke out of the brush and headed in...I had the sun to my back as it was peeking over the horizon and they were lit up great!
Then another male came out about 100 yards to the pairs' right.

This was a big dominant male, and he made up for being behind the pair and gained ground on them heading to the call.

This male actually passed the pair, and was in the they were coming in, at about 200 yards they pair held up, looking at the big male. Almost as soon as they had him spotted, they started hesitating, and acted more submissive to the big male, although there was two of them. It was at that time that I knew I had a CHOICE TO MAKE... :unsure:
Do I kill the male, or try for the pair?

I decided the male being what he is, is probably one of the killers that had been killing calves, so I picked my shot and put him down with one shot at about 150 yards. :)

Then, I swung the AR over to the remaining pair that was quickly gaining the advantage of cover, only to watch them disappear as coyotes will... :angry:

In situations like this, I would PREFER to have the coyotes come in single & slow...but, as you know, that doesn't happen often enough, so we make the best with what we have.

Here's that first big male:

I must say that all the coyotes presented a rather stiking picture as they were all three coming in with the pink light of daybreak shining in their faces as I looked on through the NightForce. :rolleyes:

The next stand more to the East of where I called got in a pair that were pretty hard least the male was. THe female hung back somewhat, but I made the shot on the male and quicly swung around to deal the female some misery....

I managed to track her fine in the NightForce....(I use the mildot reticle) and got lead in her, but she wasn't hit very hard. :thumbdown: I lost track of her, and sent Buster out after her.

I saw he Buster had her held up in a mesquite tree and was actually tangling with her a bit.

I made quick work of her, and started out again on my mission.

Heading further East, I called in a brave female that actually came right by the truck to "back door" me... :cursing:
Like I said, they can come in from the least favorable ways and directions....but, as she circled me and went a little closer to the sound of the call, she got sight of the MOJO Critter I had running in a clear spot next to the caller....
That was all it took! She threw caution to the wind and came into the stand. I layed her down with a shot as she decided that something was up as she smelled me at the Critter..

Amazing how using small details like decoy can turn a bad stand into a successful one. :thumbup:

The wind picked up and the coyotes shut it down, but yje next day was OK for awhile...

I called just South of a draw that had a dirt tank & this huge male came in ready to kick butt! He stpped to survey the area as he entered the stand, and a 55 gr V-Max caught him dead center of the chest. Game over for him! :cool:

Got another nice coyote in and put the hurt on it as well...

All in all, I got 7 of the pesky critters. They won't kill calves again.

The wind picked up, and I decided to go try my new NightForce on some prarie dogs and do the ranch some good there too!

Besides, it's a good chance to really "wring out" that scope and see what it can do....But, that's another story! :w00t:

Thanks for looking!

I hope your late season is going well! :thumbup1:

Remind yourself often to SEE not just "look".

Daryl (deceased)

Good work, Barry.  I've been busy with "other things", and haven't been out at all in a while.
My wife and I saw one yesterday on our way home from town about 9:00 AM.  It crossed a main highway though an intersection (traffic light an all), and went over into the parking lot of the bank we use by the mall here.
There's several miles of open land on the east side of the highway there, but it's posted along the highway.  I can get into that area from the backside (east side), since only the area along the highway is posted, but I'll likely wait 'till next fall now.
I don't know who owns that piece along the highway, but I'd bet that their predation losses are high.  They obviously aren't putting much pressure on the coyotes there.
A government that abrogates any of the Bill of Rights, with or without majoritarian approval, forever acts illegitimately, becomes tyrannical, and loses the moral right to govern-Jeffrey Snyder

RIP Linden33


Personal field testing trumps everything no matter what Field and Stream says, what your degree of perceived manhood is, or what your buddies think.

buckshot roberts

:happy: great job Barry, and Buster.... good post I liked reading it over my morning coffee.......the land owner were I hunt lost two cows to coyotes few weeks back......Ron
We got too complicated......It\'s all way over rated....I like the old and out dated way of life........I miss back when..


Dang! I GOTTA get to New Mexico!
Be nicer than necessary.


Quote from: gitano;104652Dang! I GOTTA get to New Mexico!

Yea I was kind of thinking the same thing.:biggthumpup:


Great post!
Good job too!
Maybe we can all go to New Mexico! :biggthumpup:
"Belief:" faith in something taught, as opposed to "knowledge:" which is awareness borne of experience.


that sure looks like fun, certainly not like that up my way! Everyone let me know when they plan on going to barry's!!!! God Bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Jorge in Oz

"The Germans brought the best hunting rifle to the war. The Americans brought the best target rifle. The British brought the best battle rifle!"
"The early church was married to poverty, prisons and persecutions. Today, the church is married to prosperity, personality, and popularity." ― Leonard Ravenhill


We are late season now guys.... :(

The "good" calling is overwith for awhile.

Daryl knows what I'm talking about.....;)

When they come in good, you can really get some in a day's time. But right now they are slow, and you need a gameplan to be seeing any.

Wait til October....they will come in well again!

I'm nearing the time when calling gets put off for awhile, unless there's a problem that needs seeing to, like these were.

I'll have the perfect solution to you huys wanting to come call as well....stay tuned.

Remind yourself often to SEE not just "look".

Paul Hoskins

Great job as usual, Barry. I have a brother that lives in your general vicinity I suppose. He lives in the Clovis area. He loves killing coyotes from his kitchen window too. Apparently there is plenty in his area. ....Thanks for sharing. Keep them coming.  ........Paul H



I've killed more than one while wearing my robe in the morning out the back here at the house.

Last week, Buster kept barking like he does when he sees a coyote out back...Well, I was never able to get out there in time w/ the .22 Mag....;)

Then a couple of days ago I was working on a 4 wheeler in the driveway about dusk and Buster was with me as usual...His head came up like it does when he sees a coyote, and I turned and looked...There stood a HUGE bobcat! :D

Buster ran it off, but he's still around.

Big ol' dark colored one...I'll give him a pass.

Remind yourself often to SEE not just "look".


  I`m envious!!!   Gotta find some land owners out here that could appreciate a little death and destruction.   Thanks for your great post!    JaDub

Paul Hoskins

Barry, it's always a pleasure to read your post's. Specially when it's about getting rid of coyotes. As far as I know there isn't any bobcats around here even tho I did find tracks something like 45 years ago. There are lots in the mountains down home but few people bother hunting them. Too lazy I suppose. Ky. has a five cat limit anyway.    .....Paul H

recoil junky

Awesome job Barry. Whilst I was still on the ranch in MT I had occasion to dust a few coyotes. Dust as in miss a way more than I hit.

 They didn't seem to bother our calves much for some reason. I did witness a cow (Angus cross) grind a coyote into the dirt. I'd never seen anything like it before or since. She got the dog  down with her head and just squished him to death, then another cow came to help. When they were done I don't think there was a bone in the coyote that wasn't broken. Kinda gory to watch really.

When you go afield, take the kids and please......................................wear your seatbelts.
Northwest Colorado.............Where the wapiti roam and deer and antelope run amuck. :undecided:  
Proud father of a soldier medic in The 82nd Airborne 325th AIR White Falcons :army:
