I got to make the call today!!!!! Part Two

Started by DEADBIRD, January 21, 2005, 02:55:25 PM

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This morning when a woke up I felt better so I ate breakfast , posted here, and called to see if jarrertt had already gone to the lake without me. It was already 9:30 AM. Of course no answer so I loaded up the truck and took the hour trip to the lake easy. I arrived at the boat launch at 11:45 with no sign of Jarrett. It took about 10 minutes to travel across the lake to the Otterhole but it was iced in. While I was motoring the duckboat through the woods about 500 mallards flushed from a flooded tallgrass break at the edge of the timber. I proceded to put out 18 decoys, hide the boat, and waded to a flooded fence row that would hide both me and the dog. By 12:30 the hunt was over with my limit of 4 drakes. Jarrett did leave without me this morning. Apparently He got to the launch at 6:30AM and the waterpump on his boat froze enough that the motor wouldn't pee. The rookie didn't know how to clear it so he drove home without a hunt. I called Him at 1:30PM to see how he did and he told me of his demise. Then I let him have it with the biggest gloating story you could imagine.:eek:
I then informed him that is why he pays me as a guide ;) :D :D Rookies
