Outdoors Edge swing blade knife

Started by Hunterbug, December 29, 2013, 09:16:20 AM

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For Christmas Hunter gave me a new hunting knife to replace the one that I lost last year while skinning my grandfathers antelope. I like the blade design. It's made with AUS8 steel which is a good steel. I won't get to really use it until next fall.

Ask not what your government can do for you. Ask how your government can go away and get out of your life.
The unarmed man is is not only defenseless, he is also contemptible.
Niccolo Machiavelli


Ask not what your government can do for you. Ask how your government can go away and get out of your life.
The unarmed man is is not only defenseless, he is also contemptible.
Niccolo Machiavelli


Ask not what your government can do for you. Ask how your government can go away and get out of your life.
The unarmed man is is not only defenseless, he is also contemptible.
Niccolo Machiavelli

j0e_bl0ggs (deceased)

Had one for a while now, sure 'unzips' stuff quick!
Turvey Stalking
Learn from the Limeys or the Canucks, or the Aussies, or the Kiwis, or the...
                   "The ONLY reason to register a firearm is for future confiscation - How can it serve ANY other purpose?"


Looks good. I like the smaller knives for gutting deer. Here is my new Christmas knife from Wylie my son-in-law. Good SIL.....real good! :yes:Regards, Rick.
Talk to yourself. There are times you need expert advice.


I like that curved edge on the knife! I bet that would open up a beaver in seconds!! Hmmmm. God Bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

j0e_bl0ggs (deceased)

The two knives that I carry.

A Swing Blade and a Finn Bear

Works for me!
Turvey Stalking
Learn from the Limeys or the Canucks, or the Aussies, or the Kiwis, or the...
                   "The ONLY reason to register a firearm is for future confiscation - How can it serve ANY other purpose?"


If nothing else, that Finn Bear sure has a classy name!! I've got an old Puma Bowie that I use for butchering and a Bench Mark skinner. They are oldies but really hold an edge. I can butcher 3 or 4 deer with the Puma and skin 4-5 deer with the Bench Mark between sharpening. Every hunter needs a few good knives. Regards, Rick.
Talk to yourself. There are times you need expert advice.
