Wily Coyote

Started by Kanibal, February 09, 2005, 12:53:31 AM

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Its 1:30 in the morning, Pacific time and I am sitting here typing on the forum when I hear some yips about a half mile down the road. So, I went out on my front porch and gave the coyotes a little(so as not to wake the neigboors) screech on my bear call and sure enough they came running to about 200 yards away and sat under a street lamp. Too bad Im in city limits or else BANG. Lately they have been coming into town a lot. I am going to college here in a farming town of about 10 thousand strong(including students), but the coyotes still come into town everynight. I need to go out and see what I can call in but all I have here at campus with me is a 10/22 and a 7mm, which I have some 100grain loads for that would work ok I guess. Anyways Im tired so goodnight.
