Ferruginous Hawk

Started by sakorick, February 26, 2022, 10:12:47 AM

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You will all think I'm wrong, however, I have never seen a hawk this large. Initially I mistook it for a Bald Eagle. According to the research on the bird it was noted that it's rarely seen this far East. The Hawk had landed next to Eric's decoy plastic deer and was pecking at it. I ran an grabbed my camera but the dogs chased it off. It landed in a tree some 150 yards away so I took this picture. Its fully feathered legs are another feature it shares with the Golden Eagle. Perhaps I'll do some scouting for it as the weather is moderating.[ATTACH]16368[/ATTACH]

Talk to yourself. There are times you need expert advice.


could not down load.....
 Female red tails are very large .......especially when they `puff up` during cold weather.


Try this....
Talk to yourself. There are times you need expert advice.


I would say its` a female RedTail...definately trying to keep heat in .  8-)

Could be, but if so, it is the world record RedTail. I'm sticking to my guess as this bird is nearly the size of a Bald Eagle.


I got a quick look at him after church and he/she has a very long wing span. I drove around this afternoon in the Honda, but never saw him.  Perhaps this evening.
Talk to yourself. There are times you need expert advice.

Paul Hoskins

Rick, I have to agree with Jdub. Juvenile & female redtail hawks look almost identical & sometimes are larger than ma[es. As males matue they devlop reddish/brown breast. The reddish/brown color is feathers that look like streaks. The older the bird the darker the breast looks. A four foot wingspan redtail is not uncommon. I'll try to attach an old picture of Bum & his mate. .....Paul H

Paul Hoskins

Finally got a picture to work.  My computer doesn't like me. ......Paul H


Tough to tell from these pictures. The best way to tell Ferruginous from Red-tailed is in flight. Red-tails have relatively dark underwings and under side of tail and clearly darker than the Ferruginous. Ferruginous are noticably LIGHT on their wings and tails from below.

Be nicer than necessary.
