Times-Picayune Article on Global Warming and Ducks

Started by NWFstaff, July 08, 2005, 08:22:45 AM

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Hi. I'm with the National Wildlife Federation and was wondering if anybody had seen the article in the New Orleans Times-Picayune, "Global warming threat to waterfowl" by Bob Marshall:


It talks about a report we've just released about what higher temperatures from global warming may do to prime duck habitat. You can also read it on our website at http://www.nwf.org/globalwarming/ducks.cfm.

I'm curious about what folks think about it. What has the duck hunting been like in the last few years where you are?

The National Wildlife Federation does a lot of work with issues relating to hunting and angling. Many of our affiliated organizations across the country work to conserve the outdoors for recreational purposes.

Jay Edward (deceased)

Very interesting article.

I'll keep a closer check on all this and see where I might want to get involved.
