What will I need

Started by Lizard King, November 07, 2005, 07:21:58 AM

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Lizard King

Although i wont have my hunting liscense till next year i would like to start saving up on supplies and i would like a full list of what i would need. So if i could get a list of what i need that would be nice:) !


Give us some info on what type of hunting you are going to do as well as some other details....ground or tree?long or close range? etc....give us all the possible info you have and we'll start a list for you....
Personal field testing trumps everything no matter what Field and Stream says, what your degree of perceived manhood is, or what your buddies think.

Lizard King

I will be hunting White Tail deer on the ground in Washington state. Im not sure at what range though.


  Compass (and the knowledge to use it)
  TopoMap and/or Arial Photo of the area you want to hunt
  Good Buck Knife and a sharpening stone
  Waterproof boots with at least 600 grams of Thinsulate (just a suggestion, 800+)
  Fluorescent Orange vest and or hat (probably required by law)
  Quality pair of gloves
  100 ft of Parachute Cord (packs light and is ALL PURPOSE)
  Small first aid kit
  Some sort of fire starting equipment
  Zip Lock bags for anything that won't work if wet
  Some flagging tape (track a blood trail, track yourself, mark a trail)
 Oh, and something to kill a deer.  A spear, atlatl, bow, gun bowie knife, big rock, whatever.

"Politics is supposed to be the world\'s second oldest profession.  I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
Ronald Reagan

buckshot roberts

;) RatherBhuntin, you the man, your set now Kid, go take one a big one:D
We got too complicated......It\'s all way over rated....I like the old and out dated way of life........I miss back when..

Daryl (deceased)

In addition to what's been posted,
I like a good pair of Bino's and a tri-pod.  In fact, I have 2 pairs of bino's and a spotting scope.
10x Wind River/Leupold bino's stay around my neck.  15x Zeiss bino's and a 25x Leupold spotting scope are used on a tri-pod.  You'd be amazed at what you can see from a high point with good glass.
A government that abrogates any of the Bill of Rights, with or without majoritarian approval, forever acts illegitimately, becomes tyrannical, and loses the moral right to govern-Jeffrey Snyder

RIP Linden33



RatherB has you pretty well set up but let's look at some of the items specificly.
  • Backpack: Not too large, one large compartment with some pockets for small items. An outside compartment for a water bottle (you will need water) is good too. Make sure you have wide padded shoulder straps.
  • Compass and maps: Good advice if you're going where you are unfamiliar. The woods look vastly different in the dark of morning or night. If you can swing a $100 or so a GPS is worth the investment.
  • Flashlight: Small is good, you don't need a big ole 4 cell torchlight. The LED head lamps are a great idea, keeps your hands free. Flashlites are saftey items too, at dusk or dawn hunter orange clothing is less visible, turn on your light so you don't get shot.
  • Knife: Big is not necessary unless your going to chop down trees or something. Sharp is important. A good pocket knife is enough to field dress a deer.
  • Waterproof boots: Clothing in general, you will be miserable if you are freeezing or wet. invest in good boots and clothing if your serious about hunting.
  • First Aid kit: You're not going to do surgery in the field, bandaids, gauze, etc. Good communication with help is more important in a really big emergency, carry a cell phone if you can get reception or a small two way if you have buddies near by. Oh and don't forget your medication, asprin, allergy, preperation H whatever.
  • A note on flagging tape: In NC the game warden will give you a ticket for littering if you put up tape and don't take it down. The reflector type trail markers are good for getting in and out in the dark.  
  • Binoculars: Small is good. Quality depends on your pocket book. A cheap pair of Tasco or Simmons are good. Get a good wide neck strap. Do not use your rifle scope for scanning for game, if it turns out to be another person you are pointing your loaded rifle right at them.
  • One more important item: Toilet paper.
Good luck and be safe.


Did someone say Spear???  :D  :D

I know we're going primative here and I know you can buy spear.

Are they legal in all the states?


OH forgot!! Isn't an atlata a Spear?

You guys are carrying heavy.  I wouldn't be able to get all that stuff in the woods and still carry a rifle.  I carry light.  Me, my rifle, empty jug, toilet paper, wetcloth in a baggie, bios.  I can carry all this in a back pack along with something to eat and my rifle in both hands.


Along with the fire starter kit include a candle. very good for starting wet wood if you get stranded over night.
Around water I would say carry a purifier pump rig at pint to quart size for water, no use packing all the weight of water in a jug.
While planning on being lost and serched for carry a whistle. They come in combo types that have a compass, hold matches (don't skimp get moisture resistant, wind proof, strike any where kind), and other features. A lot of help for 6 oz or so.
Plus a few food bar concentrates. Lots of protein and low sugar content would be my guide. Military is very good as well as civilian.
At your age I will assume you will be hunting in a party of at least two. Porbably near enough to a road to maintain supplies in the vehicle. In the vehicle here is an expanded list to have handy. Do not need them all the time but can be very useful.
1Peroxide with spritzer bottle. highlights blood trail if you have to track one down.
2Extra change of clothing, complete with two extra pair of socks. Nothing feels better after you have mamaged to dunk yourself in a stream.
3Blanket, wool or space foil, sleeping bags work well.
4Extra food, water, soap, and medical gear.(Bandaids, compression bandage, aspirin, back-up of necessary daily prescriptions, disinfectant-peroxide does double duty here), cell phone and charger.


Lizard King You probably got the best tips already but I like to present my list.
However I don´t hunt deer, and my list is made for finnish hunting. I´ll explain some of the items in the list:
The hunting dress has leathercovered tighs, knees, butt, shoulders and elbows.
It´s good for crawling on wet ground, and the wet branches won´t wet the fabric as you are walking trough.
The Antifreeze oil is good for starting fire. Candle also.
The ice prods are necessary for claimbing up on ice from water.
Thin gloves for warm days to prevent pale skin visibility.
Magnisium spark iron (?) works even when wet.
Head lamp leaves your hands free.
The angling line can be used to make snares (emergency).
Multi tool is also the important secodary knife.
Have fun hunting and don´t forget red/orange west and hat.
