New Product Poll

Started by CUTTER4735, March 14, 2006, 04:48:58 AM

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Hello i have developed this new hunting product from my years of deer hunting in canada,it is called THE STEALTH SCENT DISK, It is designed so you can pour in your bucklure at home so you dont have to carry leaky scent bottles in your pocket,with the twist of the button the scent ports open and close, just pour in your bucklure and the sponge absorbs the lure,close ports and put in your coat pocket the disk will not leak,also it comes with a hanger loop so you can hang from a tree limb,or the main feature is that this disk was designed to be thown like a frisbee from your treestand, so you do not need to walk all around your hunting area to place your bucklure, also this disk is very small, only 4 inches wide, so many disks can be carried easy in your pockets, also its orange colour makes it easy to find,or it will come in other colors,this new product will sell in the 5 to 8 dollar price range,the results of this poll will be sent to a interested scent company, the question is as hunters do you like the product and if you had the oppertunity would you buy this new product,this product may be sold with a bottle of buck lure,??


P.s This Disk Is Dual Sided So It Can Not Land Upside Down

bowhunter 51

Well they look pretty.......and they look like they would work......buck lure in
anything other than a air-tight container is alittle spooky though...Under $10 is
a plus.......Would (I) purchase one?...probably not.....But I could see GETTING
about a half dozen as Christmas gifts.....Would I sue if a large buck gores me ta
near bout death or until this thing pops outta my pocket?....Probably so.......
**********God Bless America**********
>>>>-----------Live to Hunt--------------->>
>>>>-----There is no off season--------->>


The Design Will Not Leak, The Manufature Guarentees It If The Recomended Amount Of Lure Is Used 1/4 To 1/2 Oz. Overfilling  May Result In Leakage, No Item Will Work Right If Misused, My Original Design, The Reason I Developed It Was To Hunt A Spooky Buck,,,his Hiding Spot Was Perfect , He Could See Out Of It But I Could Not See In,,, I Hid And Tossed Out The Disk, Now The 280lb 11 Pointer Hangs On My Wall

buckshot roberts

;) That is a dang good Idea, I'd give one or two a try, but like BH51, I'd be given them as Christmas gifts, LOL I Hope I get one fer my birthday, Ron
We got too complicated......It\'s all way over rated....I like the old and out dated way of life........I miss back when..


Looks like a great idea.And for the money I would field test a few myself.


Not likely that I would use one as I never use scents.

Ed Blankinship

Daryl (deceased)

The country I hunt in is usually too open to mess with scents, but I like the idea.
That said...
If overfilling can cause leakage, then the thing may not be air tight?  A deer's sense of smell is pretty good, and if a buck could smell that on you, then he might...just might...decide to attack the person carrying it,  Hey, stranger things have happened!
Has it been tested to see how much of the smell can escape when it's closed?
A government that abrogates any of the Bill of Rights, with or without majoritarian approval, forever acts illegitimately, becomes tyrannical, and loses the moral right to govern-Jeffrey Snyder

RIP Linden33


Looks like a good idea to me! NIce and clean too!
