cleaned up underhammer bore

Started by redbraider, April 21, 2006, 08:33:44 AM

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I discovered last night (late) that Birtchwood Casey's Blue and rust remover really takes the baked in crud out of the grooves in a barrel.  I was lucky enough to purchase an H&A underhammer in 58 cal for $150 and am in the process of browning and restocking the old girl.  She is in great shape and worth the effort although I had my doubts about the black nasty stuff in the grooves that would not clean out.  While de-blueing the outside of the barrel I thought 'Let's try it on the bore" and ran a patch sooked in BC blue remover down the tube. The crud began to vanish, and after some more scrubbing and swabbing I now have a shiny, bright barrel inside and out.  Just wanted to pass the discovery along.

Jay Edward (deceased)

Gracias redbraider... practical solutions and results are very welcome.  It's a wonder the manufacturer didn't think of that.  Perhaps and email to them might be in order... if only for confirmation and their blessing on the procedure.

Now hie yourself out to the range and give us the 'results' report.


Velly interresstink!
Welcome aboard redbraider.
Be nicer than necessary.


Would like to see some pics when you get her finished. BTW...welcome.


practicing getting pics to post: underhammer and parts, got pic to upload but don't know how to add it to reply???


Well now, guess I had it in there anyhow.  Will add more as I am now actually Browning the ol critter and hoping to shoot this weekend,  keep your powder dry


Have to keep trying-  got a good brown and now need to rig up barrel pin and I'm ready to shoot.


Just need to install ramrod pipe and she's back together, ready to sight-in. Has new rear Hawken step sight and home-made copper and brass front blade.
