First time hunting in africa

Started by RJK, May 07, 2006, 06:26:27 PM

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I want to go to africa to hunt plains game.   Kudu, Gemsbok, impala.   DOes anyone have any have a outfiiter that they have used and liked.  any other advise.


There are so many of us in the hunting business that will provide you with a myriad of reasons on why you should use our business above the next.  As I am in the industry you are more than welcome to contact me as I will be able to provide you with my reasons and views.  I do believe it is important that you get clarity beforehand on your budget and what you would deem as a fair assesment of costs.


Quote from: SpringbuckThere are so many of us in the hunting business that will provide you with a myriad of reasons on why you should use our business above the next. As I am in the industry you are more than welcome to contact me as I will be able to provide you with my reasons and views. I do believe it is important that you get clarity beforehand on your budget and what you would deem as a fair assesment of costs.

I would be interested in contacting you.  is there a web site I can go to or an E-mail address


RJKMy website // might not yet be updated on your side so we will have to use the good old e-mail format and you can reach me at  or on my phone at 27 21 855 5561 or cell at 27 72 926 0487.RegardsLeon (springbuck)


Quote from: RJKI want to go to africa to hunt plains game. Kudu, Gemsbok, impala. DOes anyone have any have a outfiiter that they have used and liked. any other advise.

Check out or contact me directly:

Terry Blauwkamp


we have a magnificent outfit beginning for the 2007 hunting season , along with the species you are looking for we also have a quota for lion, leopard, buffalo and elephant. I would be extremely wary with certain outfitters as they hunt on ranches that are simply stocked with game. We conduct hunts on concessions ( wild land ) and safari areas , many of which are not fenced and have an abundance of game. If you have any questions or need additional information do e mail me at    
all the best


If you've never been it can be a life changing experience. Most of we American's aren't prepared for how totally awesome Africa is. The hunting can be outstanding and the scenery is like being on another planet. I would definately consider South Africa for a start although some of the northern countries offer excellent hunting as well. A plains game hunt can be less expensive than a 3 species Western American hunt and you won't waste money on buying tags for animals you may not even see. Have your ducks in a row and it's a breeze to enter the country you choose. Most PH's are very reputable and will give you plenty of references. They take care of you from the time you step off the plane until they take you back to the airport. My advice: don't be penny wise and dollar foolish. Know what you want to hunt, learn what to expect in both game and from your PH, take the time to ask questions but expect some delay in getting answers. Most PH's are busy year 'round. If they're not guiding clients, they are making contacts, visiting their hunting areas, traveling the world doing outdoor shows or just trying to relax a bit with family after a long hunting season. They will get back to you ASAP. Most of all, trust them. Their job is to provide you with a quality experience and they know African game. They want you to enjoy yourself and hopefully take a decent animal(s). Do your homework now and it will pay off bigtime when you head over to the Dark Continent. I've been, going back. Probably many more times. Good hunting, grayghost
In the end....the Hunter hunts himself


grayghost, sounds like you had a wonderful time hunting in Africa! I'm Zimbabwean and actually went to school right up the street from you at UK. We have a great hunting outfit starting in Zimbabwe for the 2007 season, ever hunted Zimbabwe? Which outfitter did you use in S.A. ?? What trophies did you get?


Hi Arnold:
I haven't hunted Zim yet, but am looking into coming there in the future. Would be interested in Buffalo, Lion or Leopard along with a few of the game animals not found in the Eastern Cape region of S.A. I hunted with the Bowkers 10 days last July and took 16 animals: Cape Kudu, 2 Springbok, Steenbok, Cape Hartebeast, 2 Cape Bushbuck (one nearly 16"), Bontebok, Impala, Red Lechwe, bull Gemsbok, Black Wildebeast, Warthog, Blesbok, Nyala and Mountain Reedbuck. I already have a return trip booked next year for 3 days of Waterfowl and 10 days of hunting plains game. Do you have a web site? I have a personal site for my African hunt. I posted it as a diary for myself and my friend who joined me. He took 12 animals. I tried writing my daily experiences in a notebook but that became difficult to do as there was so much to see and stalking game kept getting into the way. My wife built it for me as she does the hard part and I just fill in the info :) Good hunting, grayghost
In the end....the Hunter hunts himself


Hi grayghost
sounds like you had a great trip to SA!!! And bagged some good trophies. We actually have Monster Cape Buffalo, Lion and Leopard on our 2007 quota ( along with Elephant ) . Hunting in Zimbabwe will be VERY different to hunting in SA. All the South African hunters actually travel to Zims for the BIG hunts, we're from there so we know how it works. In Zimbabwe you'll be hunting on vast wild areas, eg Chirisa safari area is over 300,000 acres, Omay safari area is 2,000,000 acres. On ranches that cater to hunting we have access to a few in the 40,000 - 60,000 acre range....with most ranches the game is able to move back and forth ( to water and food off course ). The bush in Zims is very wild and as one of my clients that we took hunting 6 weeks ago said " it feels like you are going back 200 years ". Grayghost, we'll have our website up and running in the next few months prior to the 2007 hunting season which begins in March, all the best and happy hunting!
cheers Arnold


Thanks Arnold: Web sites have opened up the world to anything and everything here in the US. Having gone to UK I'm sure you saw all of this coming. My business wouldn't thrive without it. 2008 looks like a possible on coming to Zimbabwe. I had friends there back when it was Rhodesia. If you want to email me any info you are welcome to do so. Good hunting, grayghost (David)
In the end....the Hunter hunts himself


Hello David,
I will definitely e mail you some information as soon as we get our web site up and running. What time of the year did you hunt SA?? How did the weather hold up?? We were fortunate that there were not too many windy days , so trying to make sure the game couldn't detect us was not too difficult! Have a great weekend, what is your e mail address? I will send you a few pictures from our Zimbabwean hunt in August '06
Arnold Payne


Hi Arnold: We were there in mid July. Weather was great. A little rain but none caused any problems. Cool to chilly mornings, two days it was warm at noon, but overall excellent weather. It was windy a few days but no problem to navigate. We had more trouble with other game busting our stalk than the wind. I tried 3 times to take a "saber tooth" boar Warthog but cow Kudu, Ostrich and a lone Hartebeast ruined every stalk. I managed to get a respectable tusker but won't pass up ol' saber tooth if I see him next year. Sent you an email. For some reason my pics won't post but you can see the Plains game I took on my web site. It is my personal site and nothing "for sale" on it. It is It covers the hunt my friend and I took in July. I will continue to update it over time and eventually change the name. My wife wasn't using it (she builds web sites) so she gave it to! Good hunting, grayghost
In the end....the Hunter hunts himself
