Theoben Crusader

Started by Jay Edward (deceased), July 10, 2006, 07:50:33 PM

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Jay Edward (deceased)

Well... a new wrinkle.

It turns out that the Beeman and the RWS .25 calibers are not currently produced.
I was informed that the Beeman might be showing up again in a few months... the English MFGR having been purchased by another.

In the meantime, it was pointed out that the Theoben Crusader was available (and in stock) in .25 caliber.  

The problem?  It's double the price of the Beeman and the RWS.  It also seems that there are not a great many .25 caliber pellet designs availabe since the caliber is not overly popular.

So I'm going to re-think my options and try to decide if I want to commit that kind of capital for an air rifle that has limited hunting possibilities unless I severely limit the size of the quarry.

Jay Edward (deceased)

Welllll... I've been struggling with the decision about this rifle for sometime and I just can't justify eatin' up most of a  $1000 bill for the pleasure of shooting small game.  The problem was (and will be) that I want .25 caliber or larger in a pellet gun but it has to be able to have a little more velocity (or a reasonable velocity with a larger pellet) than is currently made.

I might make the effort with a .50 caliber or .75 caliber but they are just too exotic at present.  I have a feeling that getting parts (parts that cannot be made in the shop) would be a real struggle.

So... I'm going to wring out the .177 on squirrels and such, maybe even try my hand on a grouse or two.  I think I need the experience to inspire me to go that extra mile on raising funds for something in the Rolls Royce class.


Hi Jay,

Hmmm I am confused as after reading this I went to the Theoben web site and there is no news about a a take over and according to their site I can a Crusader no problems

Theoben Ltd :: Your shopping cart
Your shopping cart
The items below are currently in your shopping cart. To remove any item click "Delete item". To checkout, please click "Checkout". ItemsQtySKUProductPrice fromTotalSKU6383Crusader£ 439.50£ 439.50
Delivery: standard delivery (£ 17.02)

£ 439.50:
£ 0.00including VAT 17.5%:
£ 65.46Postage & Packing:
£ 20.00including VAT on shipping 17.50%:
£ 2.98Tax:
£ 0.00
£ 459.50

Update Clear cart if (navigator.appName.indexOf('Microsoft')>=0)document.write(' Checkout ');elsedocument.write('Checkout ' ); Checkout
Tel (44)1487 740744
Hmmm something is not right as at 21 1/2ft lbs it's a firearm under our laws so requires a Firearms Certificate anything over 12 ft lbs muzzle energy is no longer classed as an air weapon under the law. I will try phoning them in the Morning and hope they work Saturdays :p of course this weekend is a bad one to try as it's a Bank Holiday weekend so a public holiday on Monday :rolleyes: .
Go Get them Floyd!


Jay it appears that they do not work on a Saturday as I got no reply on the phone. Will try again on Tuesday after the Holiday weekend.
Go Get them Floyd!


Hi Jay,

    Just got off the phone with a nice lady at Theobens' and yes they do make the .25 Crusader .......................... no problem but no one has ordered one yet so none in .25 have yet been made. So if you do want one it's not a problem but you will have the only one :D now how custom is that?

   It seems that those who would normally buy the .25 Crusader choose the Eliminator instead :rolleyes:  but as you know the Eliminator is much longer than the Crusader.

   And you thought I had forgotten .............................  didn't you?
Go Get them Floyd!

Jay Edward (deceased)

Quote from: Brithunter[/COLOR][/SIZE] And you thought I had forgotten .............................  didn't you?


The PM will explain things and thanks for all you do.




Hi Jay,

    OK no problem it seems someone is telling porkies. How can it be available and in stock when Theoben have not made one in .25 calibre yet? as no one has ordered a .25 Cal one yet!

    Hmm I will speak to a few friends as BSA made the Goldstar in .25 cal if my memory serves me correctly. And I do know that John my old school buddy brought a BSA in .25 cal so I will phone him and check which model it is and ask him what they go for now and more to the point if he knows of any for sale. He now works in the Gunshop which was my local one before I moved. I know he doe not use his but as he collects Air Guns I doubt his would be on offer.
Go Get them Floyd!
