Needed to share my pain!

Started by m gardner, March 18, 2007, 06:54:27 AM

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m gardner

I wore out the serving on my new bow already. I shot the release off the string and the rumor is that it's not the most accurate or best way to do it. With all the space age stuff out there I figured it would last forever. Wrong again! I figured I knew. ( As an aside I was at Cabelas yesterday and the clerk in the Gun Library, I meant outfitter, asked if I needed to know anything and I told him no, I was a guy, I knew everything. He never cracked a smile!! Pretty scary! ) Anyways. I went through no end of pain and agony reserving it. Then I put a string loop on it, which I hear is the best way to go. Can anyone say, "Lark's head knot"? I thought so!! Well finally I had some success and here are the results. She's a pretty thing isn't she? I laid her across the antlers to get aquainted with mulies. That way she won't shake too badly! God bless and good hunting.

bowhunter 51

"Larsk'head snot, lark'snead dot....larksnekj#*........Nice knot, Mark!
Yep....She's (she?) is a pretty one, and may tha Mule deer hunting
god's smile upon!.....:)...I always stuck to the ole
fashion method of crimping and winding dental floss...Hey! It works!
**********God Bless America**********
>>>>-----------Live to Hunt--------------->>
>>>>-----There is no off season--------->>


Very nice, Iam still trying to learn to tie my shoes.:smiley:


what sort of power /draw weight are you looking at to hunt big game with, deer etc ,from 30 yards?and does it go too for 3d hunts /silhouetes

m gardner

I'm shooting 55 pounds and it lets off to about 20 pounds. I'm shooting a 7595 Gold Tip carbon fiber arrow with a 125 grain tip which is the heaviest I could get. I believe it weighs 450 grains. It shoots flat and should do for deer and elk with a good broadhead. God bless.


what sort of ranges would you hunt with this arrow set up? and whenyou practice do you have to use a different arrow head with a similar weight, or would you practice with the same arrows you will hunt with,thanks Mark

m gardner

I shoot out to 50 yards and can hold 6 inch or better groups with the field tips if the wind isn't blowing. I've only shot to 30 yards with the broadheads. I'll shoot them more as the season approaches. The broadhead tuning pit isn't as much fun as the rest of the course. You can't use broadheads on the courses. The arrows are the same you just unscrew the tips to change them.


6 inches at fifty yards , thats good shooting,better than id expected,what type  of bow are you useing,and are  the silencing /muffling add ons effective?dont want to mither you but if i ask at a shop over here they will tell you it all works just for a sale, id end up with a bag of bits i cant give away

m gardner

Some of the guys at the range do better than that with their target bows. The shoot out to 100 yards. I bought the Martin Jaguar Whisker Biscuit kit bow. It had everything but the arrows. It is a good bow but I've tried some others and I'm leaning towards the PSE bows when this one wears out or after the season if I have the money. They are super smooth and quiet. The bow I have now eats string leaches (silencers) so I'm trying to find a suitable silencer.

Mauserfan in TX

A-MEN on those Gold Tip shafts. They are very strong. I have been a Muzzy fan for years, but i believe i am going to try the G-5 broadhead this year. I have a buddy who uses them on hogs and they are impressive to say the least. Say Mark is that a Martin Bow you're shooting?
8\'s is Great
Col Charles Askins


i had an old barnett safari , years ago, and could hit a coke can 20 yards away with every third arrow or so,but looking at todays equivalents ,theyre something else,we didnt have releases or anything , but leather finger tips, that constantly tingled,i think i may do better to wait untill i come over your side of the water before i buy a new one,


whats the difference with the g 5 heads, are they less prone to damage, do some impact any better

m gardner

Yep, it's a Martin. Got a real wild cam on it. Hard to draw at first but I can do it easily now. Very fast too. Gonna put a hurtin on one of those bucks I took photos of in the Top Pin thread.

Mauserfan in TX

Sweet. I have'nt handled a Martin compound bow , I am kinda liking their recurves though. As for the g-5 broadhead, it is a one piece cut on contact broadhead that is wicked sharp and very tough.
8\'s is Great
Col Charles Askins


ive been in touch with the guys at bass pro, and they said they can send me a pse outfit to the UK, for a lot less than i can get it here, and with all the kit too,biscuit rest and, copper john sight, quiver  silencers and other bits,im realy impressed
