my 2004 muley

Started by yotecurhunter, November 25, 2004, 10:31:42 PM

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This buck isn't as impressive as some of those Colo bucks or them Utah bucks, but hey I'm proud of him.  I shot one very similar last year while my dad took a 30" heavy 4 point.  We only get to hunt October 1-8 in a lot of areas around here.  If I drew a tag ever, I'd be able to hunt late October which is far better.  My friend shot the biggest 3 point I have ever seen this year as well.  Sorry, I'll have to get his pictures again.  If you've seen the 3 point B&C buck in Eastman's, his is simlar to that one.  We saw lots of bucks that week of hunting and could have taken many.  They just weren't the caliber I was looking for.  However, it started to warm up a lot and we weren't seeing the deer anymore.  Lucky enough we ran into 2 bucks.  My dad should have shot the buck that was with this one, but after I shot, he didn't have that great of a shot.  I think he was about the same size.  Hope you like.
Sean G. Harrison

Daniel in Ak

dude it doest have to measure up to them bambi's in Colorado ;) It only has to measure up to your standars and fill the freezer.Besides it's a fine looking animal in my eyes,congrats! And what up with those red gloves? Hahahahaa! Daniel


No doubt he's a keeper. And in heavy timber noless, It makes for a more unique muley picture for sure. Good job!

 Daniel you beat me to the red glove line :-)..

Daniel in Ak

ya gotta get up early to beat me Jeff.And If that happens I usually say I satayed up all night stoking the fire....
Yeah! I like that big timber shot witht he buck pretty dang neat.Dont get to see that everyday.Daniel


That buck is nothing to be shy about!! he is a really great buck!! Congrats...I would have put him down too. And you should be proud of him..I know there are alot of guys who didn't even see a deer of that caliber this year or ever for that matter. For you to get in on a buck like that for a shot your doin' something right. Good job!


Let me add my congrats, too. Very fine buck, votecuehunter! How about telling us how it all happened.:)


Well, the story is a bit boring and simple.  I had a week to hunt and as I said before, we saw plenty of bucks on our treks, and elk for that matter (they were gone by elk season).  However, this particular day was our last.  The boot soles were thin and the patience wearing thin.  It had been really hot for the last 3 or 4 days and we were seeing nothing.  My dad said we should just go for a "drive" today.  I don't like being a road hunter, but it sounded like a plan.  We definitely saw more deer that day.  There was a particular clear cut we wanted to get to but we missed the road off of the top.  I was swinging around to head where we thought the road was, when 1 buck jumped out of the timber, then a second.  We were out of the truck in a flash.  The bucks stopped and started milling around in the timber, about 100 yards away.  By the time I was ready to shoot, my dad had already been "scoping" them out.  The angle was bad.  We knew they weren't "Huge", but my dad is more patient than I.  They were mostly rear towards us but slighly turned.  I thought I could "sneak" one into the shoulder, past the rear end.  I was wrong.  I hit, but not in the greatest of greats.  MY dad shot after I did, but the other one had started moving after I shot.  I wasn't too impressed with my patience or shot selection, but I guess this is how you learn.
Sean G. Harrison


That's a nice buck. In a few years when I draw my next buck tag I'd like to get one like that.
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sorry about the red gloves everyone.  I wanted to get started while my dad was getting the camera.  There's no sink in that there timber.
Sean G. Harrison


No need to apologize for the red gloves... We've all been there.... :D
That's a heck of a deer!!!  Congrats!!!!!!!!!


I have seen and taken a few of those nice Colorado bucks that you are talking about and I wouldn't even think twice about shooting this one. If he was in my sights, I would pull the trigger.  Very nice buck.


well, thanks everyone for the nice words. Hopefully, I'll be able to hunt closer to town. However, they are all limited quota regions with the special draw. 05' will be the year I draw again. I can feel it. Have you guys seen this picture?
"November 5, 2004:First reports on this all-time megabuck are that it was taken by Cathy Keene of Kinnear in Owl Creek on the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming. Most of the rumors on this buck are that it will score somewhere in the 289 B&C range and is over 40 inches wide. If entered and accepted into B&C's Awards Program, it could stand as one of the largest mule deer ever taken by a woman. It is also likely one of the largest mule deer taken anywhere in the last twenty years."
Sean G. Harrison

Crow Poison

That's a very nice deer that anyone would be proud of.

Jay Edward (deceased)

The 'palmation' of the antlers is really intriguing...almost like a moose.  I surely wouldn't mind running across something like that around here.


Wow!  Both of those pictures are of some very nice bucks!  Congrats!
