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Messages - Clueless

Yes 22hornet they are brought up on charges.  Some have faced the Max penalty for idiotic mistakes.
Just because we have idiots running around deer huntng doesn't mean we are going to give up our guns. :smiley:
The strange thing is everyone now has to take a course and pass the course to get a hunting license.  Surprising hey? :smiley:  Us old timers are safe hunters..never take a sound shot, always look for what we are seeing to be sure we are seeing what we think we are seeing...
The only time I really feel like "Killing" a human being is when I hear a sound shot go over my head.  Walk up to that person and ask "what ya shooting at?"  They say "heard somethin..."  Makes me want to take my chances and KILL!!!:eek:
Well makes me wonder how much misery he's been in for the last year or so?
 How many docs has he seen for numerous symptoms that have been called "stress related" or "age related" or "old age migraines" or "maybe you're having TIA (tiny strokes)"
A brain tumor isn't something anyone just suddenly has.  They are progressive as they grow with different symptoms.
I knew a lady who died with a brain tumor.  Her first symptom was in "reaching to open the screen door she couldn't grab the handle".  She went on to be unable to feed herself and had headaches so bad she couldn't sit up in bed.  But her doc insisted she was "stressed and depressed"
Time she finally had a seizure the tumor was the size of a softball.  To late to do anything but chemo and radiation.  She lived 6 months.  6months of pure unadulterated misery.
Being a politician has nothing to do with having a brain tumor.
THE CAMPFIRE / Ted Kennedy has a brain tumor..
May 20, 2008, 10:44:15 AM
He had a seizure over the weekend and tests so far show he has a malignant brain tumor.
I have to say he's an American Political Icon and I'm saddened by the news.
I never much liked him until I met him once and found him to be very likeable and sociable.  Changed my feelings about him really quick.   What I thought I knew about him was much different than the person I met and talked to over the table.
:smiley: It was a "tongue in cheek" statement Daryl.  Brought on by the fact we went furniture shopping looking for new Living Room furniture.  The furniture store we visited had too many to count, Camo furniture of every description.  I asked "ya sell a lot of this stuff" and the sales person said "Yes a LOT!! Everyday!!"
I understand military dress this day and age.  They wear their Camo dress, eating out in restaurants.  The military wear what the military tell them to wear on any given day.  It separates them from Civilians.  And they wear what ever color they tell them to wear on any given day.
But you will not see the Black Ops guys dressed in black anywhere!! Off base/post
You won't see them dressed in Afghanistan wear or Iraq/Iran wear anywhere!! Off base/post
And ya won't see the Delta guys dressed in Delta wear off base/post
And you won't see them dressed in hunting camo. :smiley:
I can go to the Military Commissary and buy (cheap) military wear.
I can't speak for all hunters in my area...I can speak for most the locals.  We do not wear Camo!!
We don't want to be mistaken for military.
Being mistaken for military can be almost as dangerous as being mistaken for deer.
Especially if the military is on maneuvers.
I guess it just depends on where you live and what you feel comfortable wearing hunting or fishing.
LOL manys the days I have sat on the top of the Chicken coop with my 22 bolt action rifle and killed rats as they came out of the corn room. :smiley:
I was living in a cottage after I graduated college.  There was a shed keeping I had no idea what inside.
One day I was sitting out on the back porch and noticed movement out the corner of my eye.  Looked closely and saw rats running in and out the bottom of the shed.
From then on I had field days shooting rats as they came out from under the shed.  Kept my aim perfect!!!:smiley:
THE CAMPFIRE / Re: What would you have done?
May 20, 2008, 07:35:40 AM
This very same thing happened to me Daryl several years ago.  Heard  a shotgun blast and shot rained on my house.
I called the Sheriff and he said "Shoot back at em!"
As it happened when I was talking to him on the phone another shot was fired.
And he hung up the phone and was at the house in 5minutes with a deputy.
They went into the woods with their shotguns.  About 30minutes they came out of the woods and said "ya won't have this problem ever again".
And I haven't!!!
To this day I don't know who was doing the shooting but must have been someone who lived near by since it's never happened again.
I have one set of camo given to me as a Christmas present.  :yes:
I've never worn the pants and the shirt together.  Usually the shirt with a pair of jeans.  The pants with a brown shirt. :laugh:  Never worn either hunting.  But works great for horse shows and rodeos. :yes:
I have admit we do have "idiots" running the roads in vehicles shooting out of Mercedes, Jaguars and Hummers.  They will shoot at anything moving.  Pull up, stop and start shooting.
Frankly I've always thought of Camo as being a waste of money.  Much too expensive when a checkered flannel shirt or any long sleeve shirt(depending on the weather) will do with any pair of pants.
These Camo clothing, furniture, and other item companies are making a killing off hunters and their families.
What does a deer, turkey, bear or anything else care what you are wearing when out in the woods hunting. ???
I mean, like are we going hunting, fishing or are we going to a "Wildlife Beauty Pagent"?:laugh:
People including other hunters are killed every year in my area. My area is thick with trees and underbrush.
How many hunters are there? I can't give you a number but there are many, many deer hunters, turkey hunters and small game hunters in my area.
Last year alone there were 5 people killed by deer hunters. One man was killed sitting in his tree stand...shooter thought he was a turkey. He was dressed in Camo.
A fly fisherman was killed. He had on camo and a blaze orange vest and was fly fishing in a near by creek. Deer hunter shot him thinking he was a deer since he was moving as he cast out his line.
A woman was killed working in her flowers. She had on gardening gloves and deer hunter thought she was a deer. IN her OWN yard.
I'd have to look to be sure but I can pretty well estimate there were over 1800 deer harvested in my area last year. Not in my county but the county I hunt which happens to be one of the smallest counties in TN. I think the county is #98 in county size for TN.
These 1800+ account only for deer checked out at he "check out station" . Doesn't count the locals who hit the woods every day and kill many more deer than they are allowed. They hunt their own property. And property of friends.
Last year I was talking to a fellar who had killed 6 8point, 14 doe, 2 12point during deer season. Only but one was checked out.
Are there a lot of deer? Bet your bottom dollar the deer are plentiful!!
Hunters out of state do not have any idea the deer popoulation of TN!!
Around my home alone we estimate we have 3 large herds of deer. At least 3 good sized bucks and each buck has around 20doe.
We live in the city limits and fire arms are not allowed except for a 410shotgun or a BB gun.
In TN the deer hunter hunts with a 30-30 or a 30.06. And sometimes a hand gun of their choice.
So why would I want to blend in and wear camo. When every move I make could be a move to get me killed. I'm much better off on the ground in normal clothes and blaze vest. At least to the hunter across the ridge I'm not near the color of a deer.
People including other hunters are killed every year in my area.  My area is thick with trees and underbrush.
How many hunters are there?  I can't give you a number but there are many, many deer hunters, turkey hunters and small game hunters in my area.
Last year alone there were 5 people killed by deer hunters.  One man was killed sitting in his tree stand...shooter thought he was a turkey.  He was dressed in Camo.
A fly fisherman was killed.  He had on camo and  a blaze orange vest and was fly fishing in a near by creek.  Deer hunter shot him thinking he was a deer since he was moving as he cast out his line.
A woman was killed working in her flowers.  She had on gardening gloves and deer hunter thought she was a deer.  IN her OWN yard.
I'd have to look to be sure but I can pretty well estimate there were over 1800 deer harvested in my area last year.  Not in my county but the county I hunt which happens to be one of the smallest counties in TN.  I think the county is #98 in county size for TN.
These 1800+ account only for deer checked out at he "check out station" .  Doesn't count the locals who hit the woods every day and kill many more deer than they are allowed.  They hunt their own property.  And property of friends.
Last year I was talking to a fellar who had killed 6 8point, 14 doe, 2 12point during deer season.  Only but one was checked out.
Are there a lot of deer?  Bet your bottom dollar the deer are plentiful!!
Hunters out of state do not have any idea the deer popoulation of TN!!
Around my home alone we estimate we have 3 large herds of deer.  At least 3 good sized bucks and each buck has around 20doe.
We live in the city limits and fire arms are not allowed except for a 410shotgun or a BB gun.  
In TN the deer hunter hunts with a 30-30 or a 30.06.  And sometimes a hand gun of their choice.
So why would I want to blend in and wear camo.  When every move I make could be a move to get me killed.  I'm much better off on the ground in normal clothes and blaze vest.  At least to the hunter across the ridge I'm not near the color of a deer.
Blair Castle.  Has a familiar ring to the name. :smiley:
Sounds like it would make a great tour!!
My ancestors are Scots.  Came to America before the Revolution.  One of the Clan brought 12 sons to America so there are a lot of us floating around in the USA. :smiley:
I'll check my ancestry done many years ago.  I'm almost positive Blair is mentioned.
I know they are traced back to before the 1500's.
That's the amazing thing about going to other countries.  Their history is so long when we in America have such a short history.
THE WELCOME WAGON! / Re: Just glad to be here
May 17, 2008, 05:57:19 AM
I don't understand the need for a Park Ranger to carry a firearm either.  
Do they go to the Police Academy for firearm training?
Have there been any incidents of Park Rangers shooting someone?
Anywhere in any state?
HUNTING AFRICA / Re: Lion in the Kalahari
May 16, 2008, 04:01:05 PM
Have you people been to Grayghost's web site???
Go take a gander it's amazing!!:smiley:
I even learned Greyghost is in my neck of the woods!!
Great lion and mount Gray!!
THE WELCOME WAGON! / Re: Just glad to be here
May 16, 2008, 03:54:26 PM
:smiley: I like that..."my control" :smiley:
Well I'm starting an envelope for SCOTLAND!!!:smiley: :smiley:
It's the only country I have ever had the desire to visit.   I've been to other countries but have never been able to get to Scotland.
There's a community in PA called Scotsville.  And it's seems to be a minature Scotland.  It's off I-81 and one day I decided to take a detour and make a visit.
Found out everyone who lives in the community are Scots.
I always go to the Scottish Games on Grandfather Mountain, NC every year.  2 weeks out of the year to hear bagpipes, see the old Scottish Games and see every Scottish Clan represented.
And while I'm in Scotland I'm going to be looking for those Red Stags!!
Not much interested in paying to kill one just for a trophy but would sure like a picture!!!:smiley:
I never wear camo of any kind.  For one reason most animals don't recognize color.
I typically dress to suit the weather.  Mostly jeans, oldest lucky hunting shirt, jacket.
In the winter I wear just an old pair of coveralls or bibs and a flannel shirt.
We're required to wear our blaze orange.  Safer around here to wear some orange during deer season whether we are hunting or just hanging out around the house.
Every year there are  "non hunters" killed by deer hunters in our area.